Idea by
Magda Szwajcowska, Michał Majewski
Studio NO
Call for ideas 2017
City Patch
City Patch

City Patch is the idea of patching “holes” in the urban tissue of the city. Many places are problematic, forgotten, empty or covered by infinite investments. These areas are closed to residents, reduce the usable space of the city, while the city expands beyond its natural borders. The only reason why these spaces continue to stand unused is lack of money. That is why we want to propose projects that are cheap, easy-to-construct, expand and quick to implement.
We think about mainly temporary installations in all scales, with the possibility of converting to a permanent structure or quick disassembly. The projects will have an impact on the local scale, solving problems of the community.
We believe that temporary architecture in a dynamically developing society is one of the best solutions to meet their needs. It can be also kind of low-cost experiment that can inspire for longer lasting actions or in case of failure, it’s removement will not destroy space for decades.


public seats in forgotten part of the city close to the center

"waiting space"_sitting platform; located at crowded crossroads-not offering anything beyond the road and pedestrian walkway; close to the city center and student part of the city; the place was not used in any way; It was dirty and neglected; proposition was to feel the gap, by providing place for people to stop, wait for somebody or just wait for a tram sitting in nice surrounding

“garage”_superstructure for existing buildings; very popular and crowded street location close to the center, with many cafes, restaurants; during the summer filled with beer gardens on both sides of the road; along one side of the street- number of local resident’s garages, visually offensive and impractical; proposition is to utilize the space around them; light wooden construction is harmless to users, it can be treated as a patio, terrace, or even a beach

“vertical museum”_street art gallery; dedicated to vertical objects such as chimneys, siloses and other high and narrow features (very often abandoned this days); the idea is to watch art vertically; the inner walls of these structures provide background for the presentation of art while interior elevators or stairs allow to admire the work; whole place thought to be publicly available and open for everybody, every day and night
City Patch
City Patch

City Patch is the idea of patching “holes” in the urban tissue of the city. Many places are problematic, forgotten, empty or covered by infinite investments. These areas are closed to residents, reduce the usable space of the city, while the city expands beyond its natural borders. The only reason why these spaces continue to stand unused is lack of money. That is why we want to propose projects that are cheap, easy-to-construct, expand and quick to implement.
We think about mainly temporary installations in all scales, with the possibility of converting to a permanent structure or quick disassembly. The projects will have an impact on the local scale, solving problems of the community.
We believe that temporary architecture in a dynamically developing society is one of the best solutions to meet their needs. It can be also kind of low-cost experiment that can inspire for longer lasting actions or in case of failure, it’s removement will not destroy space for decades.


public seats in forgotten part of the city close to the center

"waiting space"_sitting platform; located at crowded crossroads-not offering anything beyond the road and pedestrian walkway; close to the city center and student part of the city; the place was not used in any way; It was dirty and neglected; proposition was to feel the gap, by providing place for people to stop, wait for somebody or just wait for a tram sitting in nice surrounding

“garage”_superstructure for existing buildings; very popular and crowded street location close to the center, with many cafes, restaurants; during the summer filled with beer gardens on both sides of the road; along one side of the street- number of local resident’s garages, visually offensive and impractical; proposition is to utilize the space around them; light wooden construction is harmless to users, it can be treated as a patio, terrace, or even a beach

“vertical museum”_street art gallery; dedicated to vertical objects such as chimneys, siloses and other high and narrow features (very often abandoned this days); the idea is to watch art vertically; the inner walls of these structures provide background for the presentation of art while interior elevators or stairs allow to admire the work; whole place thought to be publicly available and open for everybody, every day and night