Idea by
Alberto Martinez Garcia, Hector Rivera Bajo
Call for ideas 2017
Hidden Architecture
Hidden Architecture

We could claim undoubtedly that Media has determined over the last decades what is interesting in Architecture and what is not, tracing the main inclinations beyond technical, urban or social affairs.
Define a center.
Pro-Western, unequivocal, globalizing, homogenizing, unidirectional, submissive.
Take out the difference, the unclassifiable, the ambiguous, transverse, uncomfortable.
Find the periphery out.
What would happen if we redefine the historiography of architecture through the concept of subtraction?
Its low commercial value as a brand, regardless of the architectural quality provokes that its impact as goods can only be defined as circumstantial.
A large proportion of publication works to these interests. They construct an imaginary of the discipline empty of criticism and easily identifiable by its docility to system.
However, we want to raise a resistance instead of following these commercial strategies.
Hidden Architecture

Diagram of the Hidden Architecture
Hidden Architecture
Hidden Architecture

We could claim undoubtedly that Media has determined over the last decades what is interesting in Architecture and what is not, tracing the main inclinations beyond technical, urban or social affairs.
Define a center.
Pro-Western, unequivocal, globalizing, homogenizing, unidirectional, submissive.
Take out the difference, the unclassifiable, the ambiguous, transverse, uncomfortable.
Find the periphery out.
What would happen if we redefine the historiography of architecture through the concept of subtraction?
Its low commercial value as a brand, regardless of the architectural quality provokes that its impact as goods can only be defined as circumstantial.
A large proportion of publication works to these interests. They construct an imaginary of the discipline empty of criticism and easily identifiable by its docility to system.
However, we want to raise a resistance instead of following these commercial strategies.
Hidden Architecture

Diagram of the Hidden Architecture