
Idea by

Luis Sartorius Sáenz

Golf Guadiana, Badajoz, Spain

Call for ideas 2019

GreenDrone City

The city without thermal inversion

GreenDrone City

The city without thermal inversion
GreenDrone City is a city master plan without “thermal inversion”, which is mainly responsible for the stagnation of polluted air in cities.
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Type of project
  • Site-specific cases

Thermal inversions (T.I.) are areas where the normal decrease in air temperature with increasing altitude is reversed and air above the ground is warmer than the air below it.
T.I. are significant to meteorology because they block atmospheric flow which causes the air over an area experiencing an inversion to become stable.
This can then result in various types of weather patterns. More importantly, though, areas with heavy pollution are prone to unhealthy air and an increase in smog when an inversion is present because they trap pollutants at ground level instead of circulating them away.
I want to break the T.I. in our cities.
In this order, I propose to heat the air at certain points in the city, to create areas where thermal streams loaded with pollutants, rise to break the thin inversion layer.
So, GreenDrone City is an urban planning whit some fan heaters in architectural elements integrated, which guarantees the heating of a volume of air, capable of breaking the T.I.

GreenDrone City

The city without thermal inversion

GreenDrone City

The city without thermal inversion
GreenDrone City is a city master plan without “thermal inversion”, which is mainly responsible for the stagnation of polluted air in cities.
File under
Type of project
  • Site-specific cases

Thermal inversions (T.I.) are areas where the normal decrease in air temperature with increasing altitude is reversed and air above the ground is warmer than the air below it.
T.I. are significant to meteorology because they block atmospheric flow which causes the air over an area experiencing an inversion to become stable.
This can then result in various types of weather patterns. More importantly, though, areas with heavy pollution are prone to unhealthy air and an increase in smog when an inversion is present because they trap pollutants at ground level instead of circulating them away.
I want to break the T.I. in our cities.
In this order, I propose to heat the air at certain points in the city, to create areas where thermal streams loaded with pollutants, rise to break the thin inversion layer.
So, GreenDrone City is an urban planning whit some fan heaters in architectural elements integrated, which guarantees the heating of a volume of air, capable of breaking the T.I.

Idea by

Luis Sartorius Sáenz
Golf Guadiana