
An Alternative Future

FA creatives relected on their work and shared their research and work in light of an interdisciplinary philosophy that responds to the emerging challenges of the dialogues between East and Westposed by exhibition Art and Architecture between Lisbon and Baghdad - The Calouste Gulbenkian Foundation in Iraq, 1957-1973 by Calouste Gulbenkian Foundation.

An Alternative Future was an initiative of the Calouste Gulbenkian Foundation on the occasion of the exhibition Art and Architecture between Lisbon and Baghdad - The Calouste Gulbenkian Foundation in Iraq, 1957-1973. 

This initiative was a complete two days programme, with visits, workshops and public conferences. On 26 Oct the Future Architecture programme was composed by a workshop followed by an open debate mediated by Mohamad Hafeda where the FA creatives presented and discussed the main ideas of the workshop and sum up the overall two days of the programme. Resolve, Martin Pohl with Konrad Angermüller, Mathias Schmitt & Michael Ott and Michael Kraus, Cartha, Tab Collective, and Proyector reflected on the themes of the exhibition, shared their research and work in light of an interdisciplinary philosophy that responds to the emerging challenges of the dialogues between East and West, with a specific focus on the Middle East and the ongoing conflict.