
Theatrum Mundi

Paris, France
Theatrum Mundi is a European centre for research and experimentation in the culture of cities. We help to expand the crafts of city-making through collaboration with the arts, developing imaginative responses to shared questions about the staging of urban public life. Based in London and Paris, we work through performance, design, publishing, research and teaching with partners across Europe and the Mediterranean. Theatrum Mundi was founded in 2012 by Professor Richard Sennett. Its genesis is a series of conversations at both NYU and LSE, driven by a curiosity about the links between the crafts of performance and of city-making. Now, Theatrum Mundi is a young institution, operating as an independent non-profit through legal structures in both the UK and France. But its core is still in imaginative and productive dialogue between artists and urbanists. This dialogue generates questions that form the basis of projects drawing together resources for research and creative production, giving Theatrum Mundi a unique ability to connect practice and scholarship.