
Tales only Architecture Can Tell

Future Architecture Festival29 Aug 2017

Thursday 28 september 17.45
Museum of Architecture and Design (MAO)
presentation / debate

Every good architectural project has a story. Sometimes it’s hard to see it, even if it's standing there in plain sight. Without a story there’s nothing to talk about – a situation rendered impossible for any further communication. Tales Only Architecture Can Tell investigates storytelling through the prism of dystopia, utopia and the present tense, and where these time-spheres converge. An impulse talk initiated by futurist Ludwig Engel, an expert in the field of architectural and urbanist storytelling, looks at how to identify and develop stories in architecture projects and ultimately, how to communicate these stories. Víctor Cano Ciborro (Arquitectura Subalterna) will talk about his own approach to the narrative. A panel discussion intended to serve as a response to the positions presented will follow.
Coordinated by: Bureau N

Speakers: Ludwig Engel, Víctor Cano Ciborro (Arquitectura Subalterna), Moderator: Effie Efthymiadi (Bureau N)

Free admission.

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