

Event2 Apr 2017

09 April 2017 - 29 April 2017 - at Calouste Gulbenkian Foundation, Lisbon -
Pianist Marino Formenti will for 20 days sit at the piano, play and live in a temporary home built by artist Ricardo Jacinto. Be part of his days from a distance with round-the-clock live streaming!

Sunday to Friday, from 10:00 a.m. to 8:00 p.m.
Saturdays from 10:00 a.m. to 2:00 p.m.
Open Air Amphitheatre, Calouste Gulbenkian Foundation, Lisbon
free entry

“Nowhere” is a non-place in the centre of the city, “a sort of pagan chapel where life and music become one.” For 20 consecutive days, pianist Marino Formenti, one of the most interesting musicians of our times known for his unique combination of emotion and intelligence,  will live in a temporary home built by artist Ricardo Jacinto, where he will sit at the piano, play, live, sleep, eat, breathe, in a space that is mercilessly and contemporarily both public and private.

The audience is invited to come and go freely, to listen to music in a different dimension, with Marino Formenti playing piano daily, from morning to night. After the conclusion of the performance, Marino and Ricardo will discuss the event at Talk on 30 April.

With round-the-clock live streaming, be part of his days from a distance!

The performance is part of the first Biennial of Contemporary Arts (BoCA).
