Geologic subjectivities: an Archaeology of the (un)thought

© Lodovica Guarnieri
Lisbon’s history merges with that of the conquest of the ocean. In its architectural landmarks, the city evokes water and rationality as infrastructures of expansion, and manifests its role in the European colonial project. In this operatic performance, Lodovica Guarnieri proposes to re-enact the city’s built heritage as the material coalescence of a collective imaginary. The plot explores hidden narratives, political conflicts and oceanic present and past memories to unearth the colonial and affective infrastructures intrinsic to the city’s unconscious.
Venue: National Museum of Contemporary Art
Friday and Saturday, 25 October, 21:30 and 26 October, 18:00 (1h/session)
By Trienal de Lisboa and Lodovica Guarnieri
More info here.