MAXXI Architecture Film Summer School

Ever since Palladio and Alberti - the first ones to use images in their treaties - it could be said that architecture somehow exists thanks to media and visual arts, which made it accessible and valuable beyond the limits of actual presence. For modern architects, photography played an even more crucial part, as a means not only to access buildings one wouldn’t see but also as an extremely flexible communication medium, as displayed in the intense post-production performed by Le Corbusier on his photos. Most recently architects have discovered the power of the moving image (virtual & real), intrigued by the endless potentials offered by a medium that allows for a deeper and accurate analysis of the built environment and more flexible, dynamic and engaging design possibilities. Symmetrically video- and media-artists have recently turned their interest towards architecture, as a dense repository of ideology, spatial conflicts, consumption. It became an essential narrative tool in their works, sometimes becoming the main character in their stories.
The Architecture Film Summer School, promoted and organized by MAXXI in collaboration with the Copenhagen Architecture Festival, takes shape starting from the growing recognition of this exciting contamination between languages and art forms which aim to develop new expressive tools and knowledge shared in the younger generation of architects and video artists. The program will include a series of conferences, meetings with artists and workshops aimed at creating short architectural video works and it will take place digitally on an online platform to be defined. The group of participants - composed of architects and video artists - will have the opportunity to explore the art of video-making as a new way of investigating, questioning and reflecting on the hyper-current theme of the domestic space and its relationship with an individual and public spaces. It is clear to everyone in fact how the totalizing forced domestic condition imposed on most people on a global scale, has some interesting consequences for those involved in design practice and theory. On the one hand, we are led to stress the spatial, functional and technological equipment of the house to the limit; on the other, we have the opportunity to reflect on how much of the changes imposed by the pandemic will remain in the future conception of the domestic space in terms of spatial organization, technology, integration between physical and digital space, etc.. Along with this, we will investigate its role in the life of the individual dweller as part of a community of dwellers, focusing on the home as means of social interaction, private and public crossover, social participation, sense of community, communication device, etc
Each participant in the workshop will be able to freely investigate the issues indicated by working within their own domestic space and / or in the residential and public space surrounding them.
The school will take place online from 1st June to 30 June 2020
The class will be composed of 5 Future Architecture Platform candidates
At the end of the school, there will be a final presentation of the works (methods and times will be indicated further on, always in relation to the evolution of the pandemic)
Theme: The new domestic survival strategies
Topics: domestic space, smart working, smart social life, smart shopping, home-office, home-gym, home-restaurant, private and public life, home-shelter, home-cage, domestic isolation, domestic survival, domestic resilience, dwelling community, domesticity, home-communication, domestic security, domestic health, social distancing, domestic responsibility, domestic constraints, dwelling landscape, domestic reappropriation, domestic technology, domestic connection
Nina Fischer and Maroan el Sani
Olivo Barbieri and Daria Menozzi
Future Architecture Fellows: