Gothenburg City Triennial 2021
Gothenburg City Triennial is a platform for discussing and jointly creating a city. A forum for discussion and debates concerning the most urgent city development issues in which both industry and the general public are invited to contribute. Together, we are exploring new ways of using, giving and creating space in the conversation about the city.

In 2021 the Triennial will be divided into two parts where the first one, in June, is focusing on the 400-year celebration of Gothenburg City. The program includes, amongst other, the release of a new architecture guide of Gothenburg, an outdoor photo exhibition, online lectures, city walks and school programs.
The second part of the Triennial takes place in September, focusing on different themes connected to Public Space. The program is built around the five chosen projects of the City Triennial Open call 2021 and creatives from Future Architecture. The event will be a hybrid event taking place both online and at Röhsska Museum of Design and Craft in Gothenburg.
State(s) of Fluid Matter(s)
Sunday 26 September
14:00–16:00 (Online)
Workshop with Cocinas Alterinas - Mayar El Bakry and Gaberiela Aquije
”We cordially invite you to explore your city along its river banks by walking them, recording your sensorial experiences and transforming them into a recipe to share with a wider network of alternate cooks during an online workshop.
When the river flows, it connects people, places, and ecologies. This is an alternative channel to explore your city at your own pace – a decentralised call for participation. Inspired by Göta älv in Göteborg which runs though many neighbourhoods leading back to the sea, we want to connect our many cities together. This workshop is composed of three states of cooking in relation to our urban ecologies:
- metaphysical (senses),
- modular (genus),
- & matter (material).
Although the pandemic restricts our access to Göteborg, we want to embrace this forced localism as a catalyst for remote collective creativity.
We hope to bridge our distance by cooking two gothenburgian street food staples: cafe & Kanelbullar (fika) and fish & chips. We won’t provide you with classical recipes but rather toolkits and methods to compose and compile them yourself. Appealing to your senses by recording your experiences along this walk, interpreting your surroundings into modular flavours and lastly translating these into concrete ingredients and cooking methods, every recipe will be as unique as those who join us.
Afterwards we will gather in an online cooking session to exchange our unique paths, findings and recipes. Building on this infrastructure of kitchens and stories we want to discuss how this relates to our urbanity and redefines how we source for food within our cities, hopefully rooting us back to underappreciated cosmologies.
The manifold interpretations of the recipes serve as our communal tableaux of conversation – building a participatory archive with images, stories, illustrations and messages.
Our host during this endeavor are the data flows that run through cables and networks, mimicking streams we call the world wide web. This digital river (online platform) could connect Göteborg with the world and bring the world a little closer to Göteborg.
Join us to explore our interconnected landscapes through food, its ingredients and ecologies.”
The link to the event can be found on the City Triennial’s facebook.
Queer commons
30 September
15:00–16:00 (Online)
Alexander Auris (he/him) is a Peruvian, queer architect based in Brussels since 2018. His academic research project takes an intersectional perspective that focuses on the relationship between the social sphere and the physical environment. The ongoing Queer Commons project goes beyond the analysis of physical location and includes LGBTQ people’s shared experiences and processes. The research analyzes cities from a queer perspective and by gathering experiences and stories from around the world, it aims to create alternative narratives of the cities we live in.
Alexander Auris will givesa lecture about the project Queer commons. The lecture will be arranged in connection to West Pride and will be streamed online.
The complete program and contact information can be found here.
Enter ROOM Cocinas Alterinas
Enter ROOM Queer Commons