Miloš Kosec will deliver the forth in series of six lectures in Oris House of Architecture as part of the Future Architecture Platform.

The lecture will explore the historical differences in attitudes to ruination and decay and propose possible grounds for reinterpretation of post-industrial architectural function and form through reclaiming and reuse of decaying and ruined structures.
Miloš Kosec is a practicing architect, editor and writer. His book »Ruin as an Architectural Object« was awarded with Plečnik and Prešeren awards was published in 2013. His research and practice focus on architectural history, political and social aspects of architectural design. He is a member of the editorial boards of Praznine Magazine and Outsider Magazine. He has been participating on a number of national and international competitions and conferences.
Embracing design and theoretical reflection, research of historical precedents and creating contemporary history, the Future Architecture lecture series positions itself in relation to the past by suggesting what the future should/could look like. The series stands at the intersection of building practice, diverse architectural viewpoints, and global and local contexts. Most importantly, Future Architecture enables the expression of nuanced image of the global state of architecture spoken through the voices of international emerging authors.
Read selected idea.