Design Biotop 2017: Space and Perception

This year Design Biotop is challenging the perception that inhabitants of the city of Ljubljana have of their own city and works to change perspectives on what it was, what it is, and what it could be. These challenges have been tackled by Future Architecture participants: Juuso Koponen, Jonatan Hildén, Shareen Elnaschie, Kimberly Pelkofsky and Paolo Patelli. .
The workshop will start with a one-day open lecture event, with Future Architecture selected participants presenting their views and experiences together with local case studies related to the way culture, values and beliefs can limit or define the way we perceive common futures. The project will continue the next day, when participants will work together in multidisciplinary cross-sector teams to confront the questions highlighted during the lecture day.
The participatory workshop taking place from 21 and 25 September will conclude with many short pitch-format presentations on the last day, where all the participants will be given a space to present their team outcomes together with what they learned as individuals. The wind-up event is open to the public, where existing teams will include the visiting audience to participate with their feedback, opinions and ideas. Following the event, Design Biotop will publish an open-source document with all important information and results of the event.
Public Presentation of the Workshop: 22 SEP from 16.00 to 17.00 at Kino Šiška Centre for Urban Culture, Trg prekomorskih brigad 3, Ljubljana as part of Future Architecture Festival.