Publishing Acts II

Under the title of Publishing Acts the Association of Istrian Architects (DAI-SAI) started developing an “a-festival” (as in anti-festival, activist-festival, architecture-festival) on the positions of engaged architects and their search for socio-spatial alternatives in Pula, in 2017. Conceived as a heterotopic site, an expanding territory “locally inside and conceptually outside,” the experimental publishing workshop, as part of the a-festival, produced instant, open-end socio-political imaginaries about the city. Publishing was understood as an act of “social choreography,” and its product – the publication Pula Documents – as a “social or institutionalizing object,” whose existence, nature and shape intrinsically relate to the existence of a collaborative and agonistic process of knowledge production. Future projects of Future Architecture platform in collaboration with DAI-SAI will pursue publishing as a tool of observation, research and discussion, produce further publications and explore questions like: How can we draw from publishing’s potential to not only be an iterative but a truly transformative gesture? How can publishing help to produce and spread (counter-)discourse and reclaim physical and abstract space for (counter-)publics who have their expressions or voices suppressed by the existing sociopolitical and economic order? How can knowledge be diffused, communicated and passed on for appropriation, in order to instigate new narratives and forms of agency beyond an institutional, popular or historical canon?
Publishing Acts II
The workshop is conceived as an open accessible format. Local participants are welcome to visit or join. They aim to employ an open framework allowing every participant to not only follow the joint interests of the group, but also their own ideas, ways of working and looking at things. Topics and publishing formats will emerge from the process, the constellation within the participants’ group, and their situatedness within their own practices and cultures and in the specific local setting of Šibenik.
Thursday, 05.06.2018
19.00 Ehxibition Opening Housing Architecture of the City of Šibenik
City Library Juraj Šižgorić, Poljana 6, 22000 Šibenik
Friday, 06.07. 2018
09.00-13.30 Meeting at URBAN CENTRE
Introduction to the workshop, idea, progress and aims (ADB, EJ, RK)
Presentations by the participants
CITY TOUR in collaboration with Days of Local Engagement
14.30-18.00 Editorial Meeting
First ideas about topics that the participants would like to explore further.
Field research I
Research, collecting and gathering material.
PROGRAM DAYS OF LOCAL ENGAGEMENT (lectures mainly held in Croatian)
SHE bio bistro, 1st Floor, Zlarinski prolaz 2, 22 Šibenik
19:00 Lecture by Gustav Červar – Krvavice / Popović – Krvavice / Kolombo - Vidici
20:00 Lecture by Petar Mišković: Housing Issue
Saturday, 07.07. 2018
Field research II
“Making sense” of the field research
Presentation/re-representation of the collected materials, discussions on possible directions to continue, topics, perspectives, contributions & publishing formats
Preparation of day 3
What is missing? What should continued, completed and discussed during the 3rd day? P
reparations for the “open editorial meeting”
(lectures mainly held in Croatian)
18:00 Lecture by Krešimir Damjanović: The Future of Housing – House Collage
19:00 Lecture by Armina Pilav: Black Out: War (Illuminovision)
22:00 Night City Walk (Illuminovision)
Sunday, 08.07. 2018
14.30-18.00 Final editorial discussion (to be continued after the workshop)
Preparations of evening event Evening
Open editorial meeting on a rooftop.
The idea is to present and discuss the ideas and materials we gathered during the workshop together with interested people (in collaboration with Days of Local Engagement / Illuminovision*)
Rotterdam 2040, film screening on the roof top suggestion by the Illuminovision curator, cultural anthorpologist Sonja Leboš (More.)
Special guests
Participants of Publishing Acts I, Pula, 2017: Mika Savela & Henrik Drufva of Selim Projects
Editorial partners: dpr-barcelona (TBC)