RE. Architecture

New construction only account for a fraction of the building activity. An overwhelming part of construction deals with the transformation of existing buildings. In that sense architecture is never really complete, but always in a state of transformation. S AM symposium RE.Architecture brings together five young, aspiring architectural offices from europe who discuss their own approach to transformation.
Pedro Jervell, Francisco Fonseca, SKREI (PT)
Iwo Borkowicz, (PL)
Filipe Magalhães, Ana Luisa Soares, fala Atelier (PT)
Martin Pohl, Michael Kraus (DE)
Jason Hilgefort, Land+Civilization Compositions (NL)
Place: (8 min. from Basel SBB)
Language: English
Admission free, with coffee break and apéro
An event within the framework of 'Making Space' (