Kosovo Architecture Festival 2019: The Parallel City

As in past editions, Kosovo Architecture Festival will be organizing lectures, workshops, interventions, open studios, open houses, debates, exhibitions and tours in all major cities in Kosovo, with site-specific activities catering to the local architecture, design and planning communities and other interest groups.
INTERSECTIONAL PUBLIC SPACE, Workshop with Céline Baumann, Basel, CH
1-5 July 2019, Prishtina
Prishtina offers a wide range of public space: The pedestrian-friendly area in the city center bordered with shops and cafés; the neighborhoods of the Yugoslavian era with their landscaped surrounding including sports facilities and playgrounds. However, the newer settlements at the edge of town offer a different image. The open spaces of this “Parallel City” are often subordinated to motorized traffic, oblivious to site specificities or inhabitants needs and relying on mono-functionality.
The built environment defines who we are and we, as architects, carry responsibility in promoting social equity. We will investigate through an intersectional lens on how to create public space where people of different socio-cultural, ethnic, or cultural background feel equal and respected. Intersectionality acknowledges the fact that every individual is made of a set of physical and social stratifications: gender, age, abilities, nationality, religion, class, education, … This framework is especially helpful to recognize the needs of non-compliant bodies, minorities, and marginalized groups in the creation of the inclusive city.
More info about the event here.