“Publishing Acts III” organized by the Society of Istrian Architects (DAI-SAI), in collaboration with DeltaLab (University of Rijeka) and flagship Sweet & Salt (Rijeka 2020 – European Capital of Culture), is the third edition of an investigation on publishing as urban practice conceived by DAI-SAI and Rebekka Kiesewetter. Starting from the official narrative of Rijeka as a multi-ethnic port, a fiercely contested territory that has been changing ruling hands and demographics many times over the centuries, the participants of “Publishing Acts III” will come together to re-narrate the city’s past, present and future by collecting, questioning, complementing, transforming and reassembling material and immaterial historic and present sources. The publishing process will on the one hand function as a “social choreography” involving a variety of authors with diverse backgrounds and interests, local and foreign perspectives.
The preceding “Publishing Acts” in 2017 and 2018 were conceived by DAI-SAI and Rebekka Kiesewetter as experimental editorial workshops with the aim to produce instant, collaborative, open-end socio-political imaginaries about cities. The publication “Publishing Acts” Pula Documents resulting from the first workshop held in Pula: a performative gesture by which not only a printed product was imparted but also the engagement with the topics it contains. Šibenik Alternating Currents is the second part of the “Publishing Acts” series, a print-on-demand matter of the Šibenik editorial workshop held in 2018 coproduced with dpr-barcelona.
Future projects of Future Architecture platform in collaboration with DAI-SAI and DeltaLab will pursue publishing as a tool of observation, research, and discussion, produce further publications and explore questions like: How can we draw from publishing’s potential to not only be an iterative but a truly transformative gesture? How can publishing help to produce and spread (counter-)discourse and reclaim physical and abstract space for (counter-) public who have their expressions or voices suppressed by the existing sociopolitical and economic order? How can knowledge be diffused, communicated and passed on for appropriation, in order to instigate new narratives and forms of agency beyond an institutional, popular or historical canon?
Monday 27/ 05/ 2019
Arrival of participants to Rijeka
Accommodation address: The Heart and Soul of Rijeka, 7 Adamićeva ulica, Rijeka
19:00 Welcome drinks at Nemo Pub, Titov trg 2b, Rijeka
Tuesday 28/ 05/ 2019
Location: IVEX, Delta 5, Rijeka
09:30 Coffee
10:00 Morning Session – short presentations of Sweet & Salt (Morana Matković), DeltaLab (Ida Križaj Leko) and participants’ practices (10-15’) with a discussion
13:30 Lunch – Catering at the location
14:30 City Walk guided by Renato Stanković (DeltaLab)
Workshop Session until 17:00hrs
Location: IVEX, Delta 5, Rijeka
19:00 “Lisbon Acts” exhibition opening with “Šibenik Alternating Currents” publication presentation, Speakers: Idis Turato (DeltaLAb, Sweet & Salt), Ana Dana Beroš (DAI-SAI), Milan Dinevski (MAO)
The exhibition “Lisbon Acts” was produced by the Lisbon Architecture Triennale and is on display in Rijeka, Croatia, from 28 May to 7 July. The last ten years in the city of Lisbon was the starting point of the exhibition. Six architecture studios that have established their companies in Lisbon during that period of time were chosen: Aspa, Barbas Lopes, Can Ran, Miguel Marcelino, PLCO and Site Specific. A gigantic tower block, a bar in a garden, an intervention on a riverboat station, a meditation center, a church, and a private apartment. The diverse selection of architectural works is lent to the fictional world of stories, and so, in this exhibition, you can also read the stories of writer Patrícia Portela in the book Floraennui, you can see Catarina Botelho’s photographs, Filomena Project, and watch Pedro Cabeleira’s film, Filomena.
“Šibenik Alternating Currents”, as part of the “Publishing Acts“ series, unites a set of collaboratively produced, open-ended socio-political imaginaries about the Croatian city Šibenik re-narrating its past, present and future. It also is a critical reflection on prevailing processes, methods and frames for architectural knowledge production – specifically on architectural publishing: Publishing here is understood as a processual device evoking and framing a social, relational and discursive space for multi-vocal negotiation, self-reflexive sense-making, and differentiated co-production. It is targeted at opening counter-narratives, and counter-spaces, that are not only collectively formable and usable but also able to challenge predominant historical, social, political, and economic protocols.
Wednesday 29/ 05/ 2019
Location: IVEX, Delta 5, Rijeka
09:30 Coffee
10:00 Morning Session
13:30 Lunch – Catering at the location
14:30 Afternoon Session
Workshop Session until 17:00hrs
Location: DAR (the Rijeka Society of Architects), Ul. Ivana Dežmana 2/A, Rijeka
19:00 Book Promotion “Consumer Culture Landscapes in Socialist Yugoslavia” by Motel Trogir and its editors Nataša Bodrožić, Lidija Butković Mićin, Saša Šimpraga
The Socialist Republic of Yugoslavia was a unique experiment with progressive social forms that were matched by specific urban and spatial development. Since the end of the 1960’s until the country’s disintegration in the 1990’s is a period of ambiguity: while according to some researchers, the market-oriented economic reforms brought a much needed opening and liberalization, according to others it marked the beginning of an end of the revolutionary demand for equality. Thus, the anti-utopianism of the consumer welfare reflected in the rise of the middle class with its recognizable habits and taste.
Thursday 30/ 05/ 2019
“Open Session”: Individual Field Research (with a possibility to work at IVEX)
Location: IVEX, Delta 5, Rijeka
14:30 “Open Editorial Session”: Presentation/re-representation on possible directions to continue, topics, perspectives, contributions & publishing formats – with invited guests, Workshop Session until 17:00
17:00 Dinner at a restaurant (TBA)
Location: Museum of Modern and Contemporary Art (MMSU), Krešimirova ul. 26c, Rijeka
19:00 Presentation of the installations at the Rječina River and the Warehouse conceived by the artists Ivana Franke, Tommi Grönlund and Petteri Nisunen.
The works of Ivana Franke, Tommi Grönlund, and Petteri Nisunen share an explorative approach, which unites artistic methodology with natural sciences and architecture. The permeation of graphics, sculptures, architecture, movement, and sounds with mathematics, optics, physics, and neuroscience in their work leads us to experience sensations that seem to be outside of our sensory limitations.
21:00 Farewell drinks at Pajol Bar, Pećine bb, Rijeka (TBC)
Future Architecture Participants:
1. Klodiana Millona, Rotterdam
2. Cam Liu, Rotterdam
3. Tiago Saraiva, Lisbon
4. Viktoria Khokhlova, Tyumen
5. Mikheil Mikadze, Moskva, XOPA
6. Oyat Shukurov, Moskva, XOPA
Local Participants:
7. Marko-Luka Zubčić, Rijeka
8. Leo Kirinčić, Rijeka
9. Nikola Štefanac, Rijeka
10. Marin Nižić, Rijeka
11. Petronela Schredlova, Bratislava
12. Andrej Kljun, Rijeka
Workshop Facilitators:
Ana Dana Beroš, Morana Matković, Ida Križaj Leko
Editorial partners: dpr-barcelona (TBC)