Idea by
Fiona Boundy
Call for ideas 2016
A Future Floating Architecture Forum
A Future Floating Architecture Forum

With rising sea levels, extreme weather and a shortage of development sites, more and more global communities will live, work and play on the water. The Future Floating Architecture Forum will provide an opportunity to explore this increasingly prevalent driver of architecture and urban design and will comprise of three strands - the first will examine the global history of living on the water from the Kettuvallam houseboats of Kerala to the countercultural floating community of Sausalito.
The second will include presentations by architectural practices, who are pioneering approaches to building sustainable floating homes and urban infrastructure.
The third and final strand, will see presentations from a number of visual artists including Alex Hartley and Mary Mattingly who have developed environmentally focused projects, which embrace the possibilities of floating architecture. This strand of the forum will also explore the 'anti-architecture' potential of floating buildings.
A Future Floating Architecture Forum
A Future Floating Architecture Forum

With rising sea levels, extreme weather and a shortage of development sites, more and more global communities will live, work and play on the water. The Future Floating Architecture Forum will provide an opportunity to explore this increasingly prevalent driver of architecture and urban design and will comprise of three strands - the first will examine the global history of living on the water from the Kettuvallam houseboats of Kerala to the countercultural floating community of Sausalito.
The second will include presentations by architectural practices, who are pioneering approaches to building sustainable floating homes and urban infrastructure.
The third and final strand, will see presentations from a number of visual artists including Alex Hartley and Mary Mattingly who have developed environmentally focused projects, which embrace the possibilities of floating architecture. This strand of the forum will also explore the 'anti-architecture' potential of floating buildings.