Idea by
Erika Henriksson
Call for ideas 2017
The vision of architeraphy is part of an ongoing research project, it is practice based and conducted through a phenomenological approach that seeks to illuminate and explore correlations between the mental and material world.
Architecture is about shaping the world we live in. Yet, it seems to me that it’s more becoming a speculative commodity made with a distant interest in the actual lives inhabiting the space it occupies. Around me I see a societal formation that is eroding social relations, impoverishing natural resources and that contaminate peoples attitude, sensibility and mind. The way we are inhabitation the world is becoming a threat to our mental and physical wellbeing on this planet. (ref Guattari)
I believe that we need to cultivate practices of spatial making that deal with the making itself as a process of trying out reflections of being in this world. At the same time, we need to find ways to include other voices then those most often heard and seen.
The vision of architeraphy is part of an ongoing research project, it is practice based and conducted through a phenomenological approach that seeks to illuminate and explore correlations between the mental and material world.
Architecture is about shaping the world we live in. Yet, it seems to me that it’s more becoming a speculative commodity made with a distant interest in the actual lives inhabiting the space it occupies. Around me I see a societal formation that is eroding social relations, impoverishing natural resources and that contaminate peoples attitude, sensibility and mind. The way we are inhabitation the world is becoming a threat to our mental and physical wellbeing on this planet. (ref Guattari)
I believe that we need to cultivate practices of spatial making that deal with the making itself as a process of trying out reflections of being in this world. At the same time, we need to find ways to include other voices then those most often heard and seen.