Idea by
Paolo Catrambone
orto architecture
Call for ideas 2019
Public space . A tool against inequalities
Public space . A tool against inequalities

- Site-specific cases
Our image shows one of the playgrounds designed by the Architect Aldo Van Eyck in Amsterdam after the II World War. A bombed lot, got a new life through a public space project.
People are walking through it, kids are playing and meeting and the neighborhood got a new space for living as a community. We chose it because the idea we'd like propose is about a new way of considering urbanism.
Today isn't anymore the time for general top-down plans.
Today Architecture needs to focus on how increasing the quality of life of people living in the suburbs areas of our cities. As Van Eyck did with its playground in a post-war situation, we need now to encourage a new urbanism method, where a constellation of precise little interventions could care about the isolated, tense and problematic condition of many of our cities. Our idea could maybe seems too generic but we're conviced that Public Spaces and a new awareness of it could be the strongest tool to intervene in many urban problems.
Public space . A tool against inequalities
Public space . A tool against inequalities

- Site-specific cases
Our image shows one of the playgrounds designed by the Architect Aldo Van Eyck in Amsterdam after the II World War. A bombed lot, got a new life through a public space project.
People are walking through it, kids are playing and meeting and the neighborhood got a new space for living as a community. We chose it because the idea we'd like propose is about a new way of considering urbanism.
Today isn't anymore the time for general top-down plans.
Today Architecture needs to focus on how increasing the quality of life of people living in the suburbs areas of our cities. As Van Eyck did with its playground in a post-war situation, we need now to encourage a new urbanism method, where a constellation of precise little interventions could care about the isolated, tense and problematic condition of many of our cities. Our idea could maybe seems too generic but we're conviced that Public Spaces and a new awareness of it could be the strongest tool to intervene in many urban problems.