Idea by
Elif Akyüz
Call for ideas 2021
Threshold Architecture
Threshold Architecture

- Site-specific cases
Diversity in Cyprus incited partition of the island due to conflicts under nationalistic aspirations. Nicosia depicts a dichotomous city with a neglected void at its centre; which transformed its most participatory sector into a No Man’s Land as political antagonism remains to disrupt progress towards acknowledgment of the Other.
The proposal sets aftermath of the territorial conflict, to inhabit this forbidden terrain vague vested with possibilities for a continuous whole, and to engage a divided society; seeking to reconcile socio-cultural bonds through commoning practices, by speculating on the spatial appropriation of social emancipation within architectural construct. The project devises a spatial apparatus of encounter and dialogue, as well as lieu de mémoire; to augment social interactions through shared values of culture and art; emerging thresholds of passages to other(ness), where collective life in commons take shape by having differences nuanced with participation of all.

Nicosia · The Dichotomous City of A Divided Society

Strategy for Shared Urban Commons towards Intervention Approach · Program, Form, Language

Threshold Architecture · Tracing A Neutral Threshold of Encounters and Dialogues

Threshold Architecture · Architecture of Thresholds and Passages to Otherness

Threshold Architecture · Urban Porosity, Common Space and Everyday Life in Commons
Threshold Architecture
Threshold Architecture

- Site-specific cases
Diversity in Cyprus incited partition of the island due to conflicts under nationalistic aspirations. Nicosia depicts a dichotomous city with a neglected void at its centre; which transformed its most participatory sector into a No Man’s Land as political antagonism remains to disrupt progress towards acknowledgment of the Other.
The proposal sets aftermath of the territorial conflict, to inhabit this forbidden terrain vague vested with possibilities for a continuous whole, and to engage a divided society; seeking to reconcile socio-cultural bonds through commoning practices, by speculating on the spatial appropriation of social emancipation within architectural construct. The project devises a spatial apparatus of encounter and dialogue, as well as lieu de mémoire; to augment social interactions through shared values of culture and art; emerging thresholds of passages to other(ness), where collective life in commons take shape by having differences nuanced with participation of all.

Nicosia · The Dichotomous City of A Divided Society

Strategy for Shared Urban Commons towards Intervention Approach · Program, Form, Language

Threshold Architecture · Tracing A Neutral Threshold of Encounters and Dialogues

Threshold Architecture · Architecture of Thresholds and Passages to Otherness

Threshold Architecture · Urban Porosity, Common Space and Everyday Life in Commons