Idea by
Mihailo Simić, Darija Rašeta, Ognjen Graovac, Vanja Spasenović
Call for ideas 2019
Infinity Nature
Infinity Nature

- New alliances
As one of the oldest city in Europe, Belgrade has not yet adopted the application of sustainable design. That's why the offered solution will give it’s residents insight that self-sustaining architecture can contribute to better living. Topics of renewable resources, protection of neglected buildings and economy in operation have been combined into the overall revitalisation concept.
The project gives an idea on achieving enlivening of the city through revitalisation of neglected locations, which is a big problem for Belgrade in general. Using the optimization software based on the given parameters we were provided with dozens of solutions that were focused on adjacency preference, work style preference, buzz, productivity, daylight and views to outside. Green building takes advantage of renewable resources, using solar, wind, kinetic and geothermal energy in order to produce electricity.

,,Infinity nature’’ building exceeds development expectations for commercial design in terms of public/private engagement and functional design. Programmatically, the building is divided into three segments. First segment is related to five-story eco-hub. Second segment refers to touristic facilities. Space quality makes the project a good choice of accommodation in the city centre. Third segment is business offices, designed to contribute to two different types of companies, such as small off

Green exoskelet façade shifts from a peacefully defined orthogonal system to a branched structure of the carrier. By their movement, they simulate the flow of nature's breakthrough through the artificial structures of the city, and again conquers space for themselves. Exoskeleton periodically contains the greenery (based on sun exposure, insolation, wind rose analysis) that is suitable for such conditions, because it by it’s work purifies the air, and at the same time regulates the microclimate

Using the optimization software based on the given parameters (insolation, views, density and user movement patterns), we were provided with dozens of solutions that were focused on adjacency preference, work style preference, buzz, productivity, daylight and views to outside. Therefore, we chose one design, which we later on altered and adapted to form and building technologies.

Main entrance hall is designed to increase the sense of invitation and engagement with its surrounding. Hall design is achieved through an open and engaging approach to architectural expression that is present throughout the building. Natural light floods into the hall, designed by cutting slabs. This space is designed as exhibition and educational area, consisted of presentation rooms and spacious show place.

,,Infinity Nature’’ building will be energy efficient and sustainable building, which refers to the application of processes that are environmentally responsible and resource-efficient. Main goal is to reduce the overall impact on of the built environment on human health and the natural environment. Green building takes advantage of renewable resources, using solar, wind, kinetic and geothermal energy in order to produce electricity.
Infinity Nature
Infinity Nature

- New alliances
As one of the oldest city in Europe, Belgrade has not yet adopted the application of sustainable design. That's why the offered solution will give it’s residents insight that self-sustaining architecture can contribute to better living. Topics of renewable resources, protection of neglected buildings and economy in operation have been combined into the overall revitalisation concept.
The project gives an idea on achieving enlivening of the city through revitalisation of neglected locations, which is a big problem for Belgrade in general. Using the optimization software based on the given parameters we were provided with dozens of solutions that were focused on adjacency preference, work style preference, buzz, productivity, daylight and views to outside. Green building takes advantage of renewable resources, using solar, wind, kinetic and geothermal energy in order to produce electricity.

,,Infinity nature’’ building exceeds development expectations for commercial design in terms of public/private engagement and functional design. Programmatically, the building is divided into three segments. First segment is related to five-story eco-hub. Second segment refers to touristic facilities. Space quality makes the project a good choice of accommodation in the city centre. Third segment is business offices, designed to contribute to two different types of companies, such as small off

Green exoskelet façade shifts from a peacefully defined orthogonal system to a branched structure of the carrier. By their movement, they simulate the flow of nature's breakthrough through the artificial structures of the city, and again conquers space for themselves. Exoskeleton periodically contains the greenery (based on sun exposure, insolation, wind rose analysis) that is suitable for such conditions, because it by it’s work purifies the air, and at the same time regulates the microclimate

Using the optimization software based on the given parameters (insolation, views, density and user movement patterns), we were provided with dozens of solutions that were focused on adjacency preference, work style preference, buzz, productivity, daylight and views to outside. Therefore, we chose one design, which we later on altered and adapted to form and building technologies.

Main entrance hall is designed to increase the sense of invitation and engagement with its surrounding. Hall design is achieved through an open and engaging approach to architectural expression that is present throughout the building. Natural light floods into the hall, designed by cutting slabs. This space is designed as exhibition and educational area, consisted of presentation rooms and spacious show place.

,,Infinity Nature’’ building will be energy efficient and sustainable building, which refers to the application of processes that are environmentally responsible and resource-efficient. Main goal is to reduce the overall impact on of the built environment on human health and the natural environment. Green building takes advantage of renewable resources, using solar, wind, kinetic and geothermal energy in order to produce electricity.