Idea by
Andrea de Chirico
Call for ideas 2016

SUPERLOCAL, 0 miles production is a system to produce daily life objects on a locla base. It rethinks the city as a place to produce goods. Local supply chains are designed to connect resources, materials and labor all found within a short bike ride, in order to make everyday objects: an hair dryer, a dressing table, a mirror, a lamp and a stool (production 1.0). Production goes back to the city and its infrastructure becomes the conveyor belt of this new way of producing. Even the city signs could tell you about production and encourage the people to make the objects they need on their own.

production signs

Underground production map

table 1.0

production set 1.0

mirror 1.0

SUPERLOCAL, 0 miles production is a system to produce daily life objects on a locla base. It rethinks the city as a place to produce goods. Local supply chains are designed to connect resources, materials and labor all found within a short bike ride, in order to make everyday objects: an hair dryer, a dressing table, a mirror, a lamp and a stool (production 1.0). Production goes back to the city and its infrastructure becomes the conveyor belt of this new way of producing. Even the city signs could tell you about production and encourage the people to make the objects they need on their own.

production signs

Underground production map

table 1.0

production set 1.0

mirror 1.0