Idea by
Christian Hoffelner
CH Studio
Call for ideas 2016

Hans Hollein stated quite clearly in ‘Alles ist Architektur’ that information is a creative force. Equally architectural problems can be regarded as ‘constructional’ problems even if they were solely consisting of information. By connecting a famous quote by Cedric Price a specific gap opens up where architecture appears as a widened field of spatial practice: “the best solution to an architectural problem may not necessarily be a buidling.”
The question how attitudes and content can be distributed in printed form has played an important role in the architectural context ever since. Printed matter establishes nodes between different disciplines, small places for exchange.
The Zine: ‘Superscript’ was applied as a course-format at Institut für Architekturtheorie, Kunst- und Kulturwissenschaften at the TU Graz. Students were forced to question the presence of architectural magazines and to elaborate on a standpoint within the topic: ‘Architecture – Alternative Practice’.

The first issue of ‘Superscript’ was published in early 2014 and includes work of the authors: Mélanie Bouissiere, Anne-Claire Dury, Dorothea Hamann, Florian Landsteiner, Georg Schrutka-Rechtenstamm, and additional contributions of David Schreyer and Martti Kalliala. ©CH Studio, Christian Hoffelner

©CH Studio, Christian Hoffelner

©CH Studio, Christian Hoffelner

©CH Studio, Christian Hoffelner

©CH Studio, Christian Hoffelner

Hans Hollein stated quite clearly in ‘Alles ist Architektur’ that information is a creative force. Equally architectural problems can be regarded as ‘constructional’ problems even if they were solely consisting of information. By connecting a famous quote by Cedric Price a specific gap opens up where architecture appears as a widened field of spatial practice: “the best solution to an architectural problem may not necessarily be a buidling.”
The question how attitudes and content can be distributed in printed form has played an important role in the architectural context ever since. Printed matter establishes nodes between different disciplines, small places for exchange.
The Zine: ‘Superscript’ was applied as a course-format at Institut für Architekturtheorie, Kunst- und Kulturwissenschaften at the TU Graz. Students were forced to question the presence of architectural magazines and to elaborate on a standpoint within the topic: ‘Architecture – Alternative Practice’.

The first issue of ‘Superscript’ was published in early 2014 and includes work of the authors: Mélanie Bouissiere, Anne-Claire Dury, Dorothea Hamann, Florian Landsteiner, Georg Schrutka-Rechtenstamm, and additional contributions of David Schreyer and Martti Kalliala. ©CH Studio, Christian Hoffelner

©CH Studio, Christian Hoffelner

©CH Studio, Christian Hoffelner

©CH Studio, Christian Hoffelner

©CH Studio, Christian Hoffelner