Idea by
Markus Jeschaunig
Agent in the Biosphere
Call for ideas 2016
Agency in Biosphere
Agency in Biosphere

Between the fields of ecology, landscape, urbanism and technology, an artistic practice develops a critique on inherent systems an develops experimental sustainable solutions to face global challenges in the age of Anthropocene. Inspired by the dynamics and forces of the lithosphere, hydrosphere, atmosphere and biosphere synergetic solutions are explored. "AGNECY" is practiced by consequent critical action between nature and technology. The long term field of arts-based research is called "C2City - Cradel to cradle city".

Agency in Biosphere
Agency in Biosphere

Between the fields of ecology, landscape, urbanism and technology, an artistic practice develops a critique on inherent systems an develops experimental sustainable solutions to face global challenges in the age of Anthropocene. Inspired by the dynamics and forces of the lithosphere, hydrosphere, atmosphere and biosphere synergetic solutions are explored. "AGNECY" is practiced by consequent critical action between nature and technology. The long term field of arts-based research is called "C2City - Cradel to cradle city".