Idea by
Lina Bondarenko
Exclamation Comma
Call for ideas 2019

- Systemic changes
Dear ___,
Architecture is arcane; known or knowable only to a few people.
Congratulations, you have been selected to participate in Archain, a spam email chain for architects in the internet platform era. Together, we are designing the Museum of Architectural Agency - a cumulative shared virtual space for expanded discourse and visual communication beyond borders, geographic and architectural.
Download shared model in GDrive.
Contribute 1-5 interventions.
Package model, Rename, Upload.
Log contribution in the Sheet.
All Participants have equity in the model.
Share with a future participant from a different geographic region.
How do we explore virtual space? Do we see the same details and scales? What is the deciding factor in project progress? Design? Scarcity? Context? Sponsorship? Comprehension?
How do we inform software?
How does software inform us?
What do we present?
How do we claim agency?
Archain is for reducing arcane.


- Systemic changes
Dear ___,
Architecture is arcane; known or knowable only to a few people.
Congratulations, you have been selected to participate in Archain, a spam email chain for architects in the internet platform era. Together, we are designing the Museum of Architectural Agency - a cumulative shared virtual space for expanded discourse and visual communication beyond borders, geographic and architectural.
Download shared model in GDrive.
Contribute 1-5 interventions.
Package model, Rename, Upload.
Log contribution in the Sheet.
All Participants have equity in the model.
Share with a future participant from a different geographic region.
How do we explore virtual space? Do we see the same details and scales? What is the deciding factor in project progress? Design? Scarcity? Context? Sponsorship? Comprehension?
How do we inform software?
How does software inform us?
What do we present?
How do we claim agency?
Archain is for reducing arcane.