Idea by
Bérangère Armand
Acts and Places
Call for ideas 2017
Acts and Place
Acts and Place

Our idea :
This idea allows to imagine the future of architecture :
- in a civil society composed of committed citizens educated to look at forms, lines, architecture, and by extension other langages ;
- in a world in which everyone is aware of the positive role committed architects can take in shaping living spaces.
Our actions :
In order help people to look at architecture, we support art that interacts with it.
We organize art exhibitions presenting the same work of art in various architectural agencies of diverse geographical and cultural contexts. These shows allow the public to discover both the univers of artists and the one of the architects.
We push research on the porosity between the two fields by writing a blog gathering samples of the connection between those fields.
All these means are developed to underline the role of architects and « teach every eyes how to look at », as the swiss artist Gootfried Honnegger said.
Acts and Place
Acts and Place

Our idea :
This idea allows to imagine the future of architecture :
- in a civil society composed of committed citizens educated to look at forms, lines, architecture, and by extension other langages ;
- in a world in which everyone is aware of the positive role committed architects can take in shaping living spaces.
Our actions :
In order help people to look at architecture, we support art that interacts with it.
We organize art exhibitions presenting the same work of art in various architectural agencies of diverse geographical and cultural contexts. These shows allow the public to discover both the univers of artists and the one of the architects.
We push research on the porosity between the two fields by writing a blog gathering samples of the connection between those fields.
All these means are developed to underline the role of architects and « teach every eyes how to look at », as the swiss artist Gootfried Honnegger said.