Idea by
Antonio Giráldez, Begoña Hermida, Pablo Ibáñez and Tarsila Sánchez
Call for ideas 2018

Architectural theory already delved into how form, typology, aesthetics or style defined spatial production through history. But how does law, instructions, codes or exception actively construct contemporary space? Can we find projects defined by political decisions, instructions of use or statements of conditions instead of a complete design? Are we able to find architectural procedures that reject tabula rasa to assemble existing elements and systems? Can we build a taxonomy of forms of action that work only with what already exists?
Bartlebooth is an independent publishing platform that examines the forms of production of contemporary space. Its experiments purpose to unveil which are the frameworks, conditions and dispositions, as well as the operations, protocols and procedures that construct today’s spatial practices. For this purpose, every issue is understood as a space of friction of multiple voices -from peripheral positions- that interrogate an articulating hypotesis.

VenidaDevenida’s project “Potentia Gaudendi”. “Protocols” (2017) delve into the notion of protocol, understood as an active vector in the construction of space. Laws, regulations, instructions of use, technical codes, notarial deeds, jurisprudence, codes of conduct, prohibitions, patents, softwares. In opposition to the design of finished objects, the creation of tools to generate possibilities of use and transformation, where the central importance does not lie in the result but in the process.

Davide Tommaso Ferrando’s contribution “The (Un)real shit. Architecture between commodification and mediatization”. Fifth experiment, “Production: four minor strategies” (2016) proposes to delve into marginal or peripheral production processes that are not based on ex-novo creation but on the manipulation, alteration, subversion of existing fragments. Four minor strategies were chosen through which we can explore these resistance mechanisms: scrapping, hacking, sampling and non-doing.

Verónica Francés’ contribution “Spes. Battlefields over territories of power”. Through Marco Aurelio’s 40 values, roman society, and therefore the individuals that composed it, were able to recognize, identify and qualify themselves in both public and private spheres. “Virtues” (2015) proposes 40 authors’ thoughts on the presence of the 40 Roman virtues in today’s city and society. Are we still able to see ourselves reflected in them or is it necessary to reformulate them?

Pedro Pitarch’s reflection “Silence”. Bartlebooth’s third experiment “Opposites” (2014) becomes a testing ground where the indissoluble duality of everything that surrounds us is put under the microscope. Every concept has its nemesis, its antimatter. However, we are not interested in confirming this fact but to observe what arises from the confrontation of apparently opposite ideas. Will this opposition allow us to obtain new readings? 16 authors reflect on 8 pairs of concepts.

Participants (2013-today)

Architectural theory already delved into how form, typology, aesthetics or style defined spatial production through history. But how does law, instructions, codes or exception actively construct contemporary space? Can we find projects defined by political decisions, instructions of use or statements of conditions instead of a complete design? Are we able to find architectural procedures that reject tabula rasa to assemble existing elements and systems? Can we build a taxonomy of forms of action that work only with what already exists?
Bartlebooth is an independent publishing platform that examines the forms of production of contemporary space. Its experiments purpose to unveil which are the frameworks, conditions and dispositions, as well as the operations, protocols and procedures that construct today’s spatial practices. For this purpose, every issue is understood as a space of friction of multiple voices -from peripheral positions- that interrogate an articulating hypotesis.

VenidaDevenida’s project “Potentia Gaudendi”. “Protocols” (2017) delve into the notion of protocol, understood as an active vector in the construction of space. Laws, regulations, instructions of use, technical codes, notarial deeds, jurisprudence, codes of conduct, prohibitions, patents, softwares. In opposition to the design of finished objects, the creation of tools to generate possibilities of use and transformation, where the central importance does not lie in the result but in the process.

Davide Tommaso Ferrando’s contribution “The (Un)real shit. Architecture between commodification and mediatization”. Fifth experiment, “Production: four minor strategies” (2016) proposes to delve into marginal or peripheral production processes that are not based on ex-novo creation but on the manipulation, alteration, subversion of existing fragments. Four minor strategies were chosen through which we can explore these resistance mechanisms: scrapping, hacking, sampling and non-doing.

Verónica Francés’ contribution “Spes. Battlefields over territories of power”. Through Marco Aurelio’s 40 values, roman society, and therefore the individuals that composed it, were able to recognize, identify and qualify themselves in both public and private spheres. “Virtues” (2015) proposes 40 authors’ thoughts on the presence of the 40 Roman virtues in today’s city and society. Are we still able to see ourselves reflected in them or is it necessary to reformulate them?

Pedro Pitarch’s reflection “Silence”. Bartlebooth’s third experiment “Opposites” (2014) becomes a testing ground where the indissoluble duality of everything that surrounds us is put under the microscope. Every concept has its nemesis, its antimatter. However, we are not interested in confirming this fact but to observe what arises from the confrontation of apparently opposite ideas. Will this opposition allow us to obtain new readings? 16 authors reflect on 8 pairs of concepts.

Participants (2013-today)