Idea by
So & So Studio
Call for ideas 2019

- Systemic changes
There is a need in today‘s throwaway society to optimize the ways in which we exist. Advancements continue to be made; affording perpetual newness, but what about the old, the existing, the forgotten? It is in the hands of today’s thinkers and their creations to stray from this tendency to rely on shallow exterior aesthetic, void of substance. One must imagine looking beyond architecture to a new system of discovery, inhabitance, and play. Where a new vocabulary is introduced with new concepts, and an entirely new approach.
re:MAP the way the city is perceived. It is the assemblage and the occurrence of diverse, fragmented elements together, combined, to create unexpected, sometimes unlikely juxtaposition.

Dear Visitors,
Due to overcrowding, forgotten significance and uninformed, uninterested guests, this site is „under construction“.
Yours truly,
The few who care

Collage your city

reMAP new ideas

Activating an underused exterior staircase in front of an abandoned theater

- Systemic changes
There is a need in today‘s throwaway society to optimize the ways in which we exist. Advancements continue to be made; affording perpetual newness, but what about the old, the existing, the forgotten? It is in the hands of today’s thinkers and their creations to stray from this tendency to rely on shallow exterior aesthetic, void of substance. One must imagine looking beyond architecture to a new system of discovery, inhabitance, and play. Where a new vocabulary is introduced with new concepts, and an entirely new approach.
re:MAP the way the city is perceived. It is the assemblage and the occurrence of diverse, fragmented elements together, combined, to create unexpected, sometimes unlikely juxtaposition.

Dear Visitors,
Due to overcrowding, forgotten significance and uninformed, uninterested guests, this site is „under construction“.
Yours truly,
The few who care

Collage your city

reMAP new ideas

Activating an underused exterior staircase in front of an abandoned theater