Idea by
Kevin Smeeing & Namuun Zimmermann
Flavour Collage
Call for ideas 2020
Flavour Collage - Edible Neubau
Flavour Collage - Edible Neubau

- Site-specific cases
Inspired by Food City by Haus-Rucker-Co, Edible Neubau was a temporary cooking club which aimed to bring issues in the urban sphere to public attention. The food workshops allowed a diverse group of citizens to come together and explore the multicultural landscape of Vienna through flavour variations in jelly & chocolate. The daily edible architecture took the form of a scale-model of Vienna’s 7th District and could be tasted and enjoyed by both the makers and visitors of the Vienna Design Week.
The most effective way to structure design around the needs of a community, is to begin with a conversation. Exploring the idea of food, cooking and eating together, this project was a vehicle for creative collaboration, whilst testing a method for active and impactful participation. Engaging the public in a dialogue around urban structures, city dynamics and cultural diversity, leads to continuous conversations bringing more effective insights to policy-makers, developers and architects.

Participants - Every day a different group of people came together to give shape to Neubau, discussing urban structures, whilst collectively creating a unique patchwork of forms and colours.

Making of Chocolate & Jelly - The food workshops were based on recipes created by the participants, combining flavours in flavour collages, to make chocolate and jelly building blocks.

Moulds in the Fridge - We provided a series of moulds, based on the urban structure, which could be used to make building blocks to create Neubau ́s city structure.

Jesmonite Model - A temporary version of Neubau in Jesmonite blocks was placed in the centre of the workshop table, to be replaced by the chocolate and jelly building blocks.

Chocolate & Jelly blocks - The edible scale model of Neubau ́s city structure; a food collage made out of multiple blocks, which gave shape to and coloured Vienna’s 7th District.
Flavour Collage - Edible Neubau
Flavour Collage - Edible Neubau

- Site-specific cases
Inspired by Food City by Haus-Rucker-Co, Edible Neubau was a temporary cooking club which aimed to bring issues in the urban sphere to public attention. The food workshops allowed a diverse group of citizens to come together and explore the multicultural landscape of Vienna through flavour variations in jelly & chocolate. The daily edible architecture took the form of a scale-model of Vienna’s 7th District and could be tasted and enjoyed by both the makers and visitors of the Vienna Design Week.
The most effective way to structure design around the needs of a community, is to begin with a conversation. Exploring the idea of food, cooking and eating together, this project was a vehicle for creative collaboration, whilst testing a method for active and impactful participation. Engaging the public in a dialogue around urban structures, city dynamics and cultural diversity, leads to continuous conversations bringing more effective insights to policy-makers, developers and architects.

Participants - Every day a different group of people came together to give shape to Neubau, discussing urban structures, whilst collectively creating a unique patchwork of forms and colours.

Making of Chocolate & Jelly - The food workshops were based on recipes created by the participants, combining flavours in flavour collages, to make chocolate and jelly building blocks.

Moulds in the Fridge - We provided a series of moulds, based on the urban structure, which could be used to make building blocks to create Neubau ́s city structure.

Jesmonite Model - A temporary version of Neubau in Jesmonite blocks was placed in the centre of the workshop table, to be replaced by the chocolate and jelly building blocks.

Chocolate & Jelly blocks - The edible scale model of Neubau ́s city structure; a food collage made out of multiple blocks, which gave shape to and coloured Vienna’s 7th District.