Idea by
Aleksandra Lalatovic
Call for ideas 2016
Curriculum for Uncertainty
Curriculum for Uncertainty

Architectural curricular structures haven't significantly changed in the last decades, despite the omnipresent transformations caused by the growth of globalization, new technologies and information culture. Apart from failing to adequately introduce students with the future and the context in which they will practice, architectural schools are struggling to keep up with the complexity, instability, uncertainty, changeability of needs and problems of the society. Considering that, in the future, learning might gradually move out of the schools, schools need to, instead of teaching, redirect their interest towards producing knowledge. It might encourage architects to step out of their comfort zone and thus add to blurring of the discipline’s limitations. Curriculum for uncertainty, in that sense, promotes vagueness, ambiguities, doubts and non-determinability as catalysts of innovation.

diagram of common concepts

uncertainty of future use

uncertainty in design process
Curriculum for Uncertainty
Curriculum for Uncertainty

Architectural curricular structures haven't significantly changed in the last decades, despite the omnipresent transformations caused by the growth of globalization, new technologies and information culture. Apart from failing to adequately introduce students with the future and the context in which they will practice, architectural schools are struggling to keep up with the complexity, instability, uncertainty, changeability of needs and problems of the society. Considering that, in the future, learning might gradually move out of the schools, schools need to, instead of teaching, redirect their interest towards producing knowledge. It might encourage architects to step out of their comfort zone and thus add to blurring of the discipline’s limitations. Curriculum for uncertainty, in that sense, promotes vagueness, ambiguities, doubts and non-determinability as catalysts of innovation.

diagram of common concepts

uncertainty of future use

uncertainty in design process