Idea by
Agnieszka Wolodzko
Call for ideas 2017
Flying Carpet
Flying Carpet

My vision of the future architecture concerns public spaces that should be welcoming for not only "old" residents but also for newcomers/migrants. They should give to the migrants a chance to find a friendly atmosphere that would compensate their feeling of a loss of social and cultural belonging. This type of public spaces should include aesthetical elements taken not only from a local culture but also elements taken from cultures of the newcomers. Moreover such spaces should allow migrants cultivating their own traditions and ways of being in the urban space.
Flying Carpet
Flying Carpet

My vision of the future architecture concerns public spaces that should be welcoming for not only "old" residents but also for newcomers/migrants. They should give to the migrants a chance to find a friendly atmosphere that would compensate their feeling of a loss of social and cultural belonging. This type of public spaces should include aesthetical elements taken not only from a local culture but also elements taken from cultures of the newcomers. Moreover such spaces should allow migrants cultivating their own traditions and ways of being in the urban space.