Idea by
Amélia Brandão Costa, Rodrigo da Costa Lima
Architecture Matters
Call for ideas 2019
Architecture Matters
Architecture Matters

- New alliances
Architecture Matters is both the name and philosophy under which we practice. The duality of meaning that corresponds to both 'matters of architecture” and 'architecture that matters” represents the way we have performed the various activities that range from architectural projects to curatorial, academic and editorial activities.
We feel the need to push forward the discipline into the practice, trying to avoid established rules, dogmas or styles. By adopting a generic name - that also resumes a manifesto - we are looking for a sort of anonymous authorship that includes many other ambitious architects whom we share an enormous passion for architecture.
The future is independent and embracing, and the star system is now an unlimited constellation.

Building Stories is the representation of an abstract landscape made up of architectural fragments of ideas and materials focused on Architecten De Vylder Vinck Taillieu, Maio, and Ricardo Bak Gordon work. Like a permanent construction site, it emphasises the dimensions of the exhibition space as if it was a piece of land or a contemporary industrial ruin where it is easy to imagine the cold smell of fresh cement and the sound of heavy machinery.

Porto Academy is the result of an enormous passion for architecture as a discipline. We admire the figures that dream about it, who build, study and promote it. We believe that practice - as an exercise of the architect’s profession - is central to the future of the discipline, and therefore one of the reasons why we’ve founded Porto Academy. For a week period, one lives the passion for the discipline of architecture and enjoys intellectual freedom.

Valerio Olgiati was at the launch event of Indexnewspaper at the billiards hall of Café Ceuta in Porto. An exhibition about Indexnewspaper construction took place over the green billiard tables and Valerio Olgiati hosted a face to face conversation.

The building is poor in shape and in the matter that builds it. It respects the character of the photographer that works in it and gets close to the rural way of construction that one can see in the local landscape.
Architecture Matters
Architecture Matters

- New alliances
Architecture Matters is both the name and philosophy under which we practice. The duality of meaning that corresponds to both 'matters of architecture” and 'architecture that matters” represents the way we have performed the various activities that range from architectural projects to curatorial, academic and editorial activities.
We feel the need to push forward the discipline into the practice, trying to avoid established rules, dogmas or styles. By adopting a generic name - that also resumes a manifesto - we are looking for a sort of anonymous authorship that includes many other ambitious architects whom we share an enormous passion for architecture.
The future is independent and embracing, and the star system is now an unlimited constellation.

Building Stories is the representation of an abstract landscape made up of architectural fragments of ideas and materials focused on Architecten De Vylder Vinck Taillieu, Maio, and Ricardo Bak Gordon work. Like a permanent construction site, it emphasises the dimensions of the exhibition space as if it was a piece of land or a contemporary industrial ruin where it is easy to imagine the cold smell of fresh cement and the sound of heavy machinery.

Porto Academy is the result of an enormous passion for architecture as a discipline. We admire the figures that dream about it, who build, study and promote it. We believe that practice - as an exercise of the architect’s profession - is central to the future of the discipline, and therefore one of the reasons why we’ve founded Porto Academy. For a week period, one lives the passion for the discipline of architecture and enjoys intellectual freedom.

Valerio Olgiati was at the launch event of Indexnewspaper at the billiards hall of Café Ceuta in Porto. An exhibition about Indexnewspaper construction took place over the green billiard tables and Valerio Olgiati hosted a face to face conversation.

The building is poor in shape and in the matter that builds it. It respects the character of the photographer that works in it and gets close to the rural way of construction that one can see in the local landscape.