Idea by
Adjustments Office
Call for ideas 2016
Towards an apophenic architecture
Towards an apophenic architecture

Within a context marked by the confluence of ecological crises, globalization, and information superabundance, the relationship between architecture and site must be radically revisited. Traditional delimitations must be dissolved – or, rather, they have been dissolved and architecture must catch up. Any architectural object exceeds its spatial limits: germ clouds from its occupants are carried across the world; radiation plumes from its concrete are a geological force; the bed has become a site of labor, generating capital that circles the globe instantly; etc. Tracing out the form of these co-constituted modes of enmeshment is an impossible and necessary challenge. Apophenia, or the identification of meaningful connections among arbitrary data sets, is increasingly a geopolitical strategy (ie. the PR output of the Putin regime) and a socioeconomic practice (ie. Google algorithms; "filter bubbles"). An apophenic architecture could navigate the entangled context of the contemporary.

Towards an apophenic architecture
Towards an apophenic architecture

Within a context marked by the confluence of ecological crises, globalization, and information superabundance, the relationship between architecture and site must be radically revisited. Traditional delimitations must be dissolved – or, rather, they have been dissolved and architecture must catch up. Any architectural object exceeds its spatial limits: germ clouds from its occupants are carried across the world; radiation plumes from its concrete are a geological force; the bed has become a site of labor, generating capital that circles the globe instantly; etc. Tracing out the form of these co-constituted modes of enmeshment is an impossible and necessary challenge. Apophenia, or the identification of meaningful connections among arbitrary data sets, is increasingly a geopolitical strategy (ie. the PR output of the Putin regime) and a socioeconomic practice (ie. Google algorithms; "filter bubbles"). An apophenic architecture could navigate the entangled context of the contemporary.