Idea by
Call for ideas 2019
Save the world
Save the world

- Systemic changes
The setting of the story makes us reflect on various current topics and urgently need attention:
the ecology of the increasingly fragile planet, the preservation of the immense heritage left to us by the modern era, the social and class conflicts that are more acute than ever today.
In this sense, by bringing out the problems, the story speaks of the architecture of the future.
Imagining that the task of humanity is to save the world, the heroes and anti-heroes who follow each other in the story find themselves working in a world in decline but still very vital. No one is more necessary as everyone is. The imagery of architects must stop seeing positive but instead know how to face the negative vision to find new ways of solutions. This is the challenge that characterizes the story "save the world".

Jeff the killer he is one of the Creepypastas, horror-related legends or images that have been copied and pasted around the Internet.

But then incredibly the explosion. Suddenly in full live television. The explosion of the head. With that cloud of blood and shreds of brain and bones that splashed into the air.

On mission Travis eagerly consumed speed tablets. This was composed of a mixture of caffeine and amphetamine. There were different types depending on the concentration of amphetamine that could vary from 5 to 100% (Travis had already stabilized on plus 80).

December 8th was a really unhappy day. The attack provoked by the police against the "nomad patrols" was not a normal thing: 12 dead (including 1 policeman and 11 antagonists), 55 wounded, was a guerrilla! The operation had been ordered to clear an occupied building, but it was said that in reality the police suspected that among the "nomads" some members of the gang guilty of the murder of Hans Blü had been hidden.

Masked by Santa Claus and clown masks, they entered five inside the casino. They were armed with barreled shotguns and did not hesitate to use them immediately against security and in the air infusing terror into the hall. Then they approached the cashiers, took a pair of them and laid them on the ground, crushing the barrel of their rifles on their nape. The others ordered to empty the crates and fill the red bags with all the money.
Save the world
Save the world

- Systemic changes
The setting of the story makes us reflect on various current topics and urgently need attention:
the ecology of the increasingly fragile planet, the preservation of the immense heritage left to us by the modern era, the social and class conflicts that are more acute than ever today.
In this sense, by bringing out the problems, the story speaks of the architecture of the future.
Imagining that the task of humanity is to save the world, the heroes and anti-heroes who follow each other in the story find themselves working in a world in decline but still very vital. No one is more necessary as everyone is. The imagery of architects must stop seeing positive but instead know how to face the negative vision to find new ways of solutions. This is the challenge that characterizes the story "save the world".

Jeff the killer he is one of the Creepypastas, horror-related legends or images that have been copied and pasted around the Internet.

But then incredibly the explosion. Suddenly in full live television. The explosion of the head. With that cloud of blood and shreds of brain and bones that splashed into the air.

On mission Travis eagerly consumed speed tablets. This was composed of a mixture of caffeine and amphetamine. There were different types depending on the concentration of amphetamine that could vary from 5 to 100% (Travis had already stabilized on plus 80).

December 8th was a really unhappy day. The attack provoked by the police against the "nomad patrols" was not a normal thing: 12 dead (including 1 policeman and 11 antagonists), 55 wounded, was a guerrilla! The operation had been ordered to clear an occupied building, but it was said that in reality the police suspected that among the "nomads" some members of the gang guilty of the murder of Hans Blü had been hidden.

Masked by Santa Claus and clown masks, they entered five inside the casino. They were armed with barreled shotguns and did not hesitate to use them immediately against security and in the air infusing terror into the hall. Then they approached the cashiers, took a pair of them and laid them on the ground, crushing the barrel of their rifles on their nape. The others ordered to empty the crates and fill the red bags with all the money.