Idea by
Grashina Gabelmann & Fabian Saul
Flaneur Magazine
Call for ideas 2018

The workshops will be set up at neglected cross-roads between the peripheries and the city centers. These places serve as material allowing new perspectives by employing narrative strategies of flaneuring and cross-disciplinary collaboration. The editors of Flaneur Magazine will introduce and moderate these interventions on site. After a phase of reading the place through different research techniques, participants, chosen through an open call, will produce work that challenges their usual practice and allows a deeper understanding of the space. The result will be a printed magazine incorporating multiple voices. In times of rising efforts to re-think the periphery, the workshop will expand these discourses by employing literary strategies to face spaces that have not been part of the canonic narrative. Combining multi-disciplinary approaches, emerging talent, and local communities will spark unforeseen solutions and dialogues on the future of the dissected peripheries.


The workshops will be set up at neglected cross-roads between the peripheries and the city centers. These places serve as material allowing new perspectives by employing narrative strategies of flaneuring and cross-disciplinary collaboration. The editors of Flaneur Magazine will introduce and moderate these interventions on site. After a phase of reading the place through different research techniques, participants, chosen through an open call, will produce work that challenges their usual practice and allows a deeper understanding of the space. The result will be a printed magazine incorporating multiple voices. In times of rising efforts to re-think the periphery, the workshop will expand these discourses by employing literary strategies to face spaces that have not been part of the canonic narrative. Combining multi-disciplinary approaches, emerging talent, and local communities will spark unforeseen solutions and dialogues on the future of the dissected peripheries.