Idea by
Terezia Greskova
Call for ideas 2016
Lest’s get Science out of the Labs!
Lest’s get Science out of the Labs!

Subjective dreaming about faraway future, which could appear in someway or other, has no more value nowaday. Utopia gets replaced by scientific research and collected data, which requires architects to become scientists, and having overview on not only recent social, cultural and political situations but also environmental, ecological and technological status.
We need architects not collaborating with architects but instead creating cross disciplinary cooperations with biologist, chemists, molecular biologist, bioengineers and many other experts.
The “nature” most of environmentalists talk about is gone and the harmonic, romanic vision of nature presented to us is naive and never even existed. As we evolve nature evolves with us. Nature does not need preservation but on a contrary our help in its evolution.
To explore the use of technology to enhance natural environment, by creating robotic ecosystems, combining technology and nature without harming, but supporting each other.

Why do we care about weather? when what we need is an air quality forecast !
LEVEL OF CO2 REACHED 400 PPM on March 2015
Currently all indications and research show we are on a path to 675 ppm by 2100, which is too high for both the climate change impacts (average temperature would rise about 8 degree) and the direct human cognition impacts ( which starts at 600 ppm).

CO2 enriched environment
Plants that grow in carbon dioxide enriched environment do photosynthesize faster and therefore also grow faster. If we increase the concetnration of CO2 from 400ppm to 1200 ppm the production of the oxygen would be at least doubled. Plants can absorb up to 32 percent more carbon than they do today.

biology and technology could become increasingly indistinguishable
Architectural space becomes an inseparable part of its environment. It is taking advantages and benefits from the environment as well as helps in increasing its quality.
An urban system that functions as a garden in the area where a real garden would not be able to take its place in its actual meaning.
Lest’s get Science out of the Labs!
Lest’s get Science out of the Labs!

Subjective dreaming about faraway future, which could appear in someway or other, has no more value nowaday. Utopia gets replaced by scientific research and collected data, which requires architects to become scientists, and having overview on not only recent social, cultural and political situations but also environmental, ecological and technological status.
We need architects not collaborating with architects but instead creating cross disciplinary cooperations with biologist, chemists, molecular biologist, bioengineers and many other experts.
The “nature” most of environmentalists talk about is gone and the harmonic, romanic vision of nature presented to us is naive and never even existed. As we evolve nature evolves with us. Nature does not need preservation but on a contrary our help in its evolution.
To explore the use of technology to enhance natural environment, by creating robotic ecosystems, combining technology and nature without harming, but supporting each other.

Why do we care about weather? when what we need is an air quality forecast !
LEVEL OF CO2 REACHED 400 PPM on March 2015
Currently all indications and research show we are on a path to 675 ppm by 2100, which is too high for both the climate change impacts (average temperature would rise about 8 degree) and the direct human cognition impacts ( which starts at 600 ppm).

CO2 enriched environment
Plants that grow in carbon dioxide enriched environment do photosynthesize faster and therefore also grow faster. If we increase the concetnration of CO2 from 400ppm to 1200 ppm the production of the oxygen would be at least doubled. Plants can absorb up to 32 percent more carbon than they do today.

biology and technology could become increasingly indistinguishable
Architectural space becomes an inseparable part of its environment. It is taking advantages and benefits from the environment as well as helps in increasing its quality.
An urban system that functions as a garden in the area where a real garden would not be able to take its place in its actual meaning.