Idea by
Caterina Anastasia
Call for ideas 2020
a wall story / many stories on the wall
a wall story / many stories on the wall

- New alliances
The sense of belonging to a city we inhabit or just pass through raises questions concerning the dilemma of tourism – which is, simultaneously, resource and problem of the European capitals today. Anonymous authors claim their city by means of its walls. It is a physical and present claim that blends with the materiality of the city itself and transforms urban space into scenes of the feelings of the people. Starting from photographs of writings on the urban walls, in response to the tourism phenomena, the idea is to compose visual stories. Interchangeable chapters will create different stories with different beginnings and endings as well as various possible developments. Images, accompanied by texts, will address issues of who writes, who reads and who, perhaps, should read the sentences reported on the urban façades. Based on recent author’s studies on tourism/new residents phenomena in Lisbon, the visual stories will tell about conflicts and adaptations to the new city population.

I lived in Lisbon 20 years
I had a home
Now it’s your hotel
You sleep in my room (Lisbon, 2019)

Tourism is colonialism
Go home! (Palermo, 2019)

Long live the Airbnb (Lisbon, 2018)

Tourists: stop acting like retards (Barcelona, 2019, photograph E. Venuti – reproduced with permission from E. Venuti)

Welcome to touristland (Crete Island, 2019)
a wall story / many stories on the wall
a wall story / many stories on the wall

- New alliances
The sense of belonging to a city we inhabit or just pass through raises questions concerning the dilemma of tourism – which is, simultaneously, resource and problem of the European capitals today. Anonymous authors claim their city by means of its walls. It is a physical and present claim that blends with the materiality of the city itself and transforms urban space into scenes of the feelings of the people. Starting from photographs of writings on the urban walls, in response to the tourism phenomena, the idea is to compose visual stories. Interchangeable chapters will create different stories with different beginnings and endings as well as various possible developments. Images, accompanied by texts, will address issues of who writes, who reads and who, perhaps, should read the sentences reported on the urban façades. Based on recent author’s studies on tourism/new residents phenomena in Lisbon, the visual stories will tell about conflicts and adaptations to the new city population.

I lived in Lisbon 20 years
I had a home
Now it’s your hotel
You sleep in my room (Lisbon, 2019)

Tourism is colonialism
Go home! (Palermo, 2019)

Long live the Airbnb (Lisbon, 2018)

Tourists: stop acting like retards (Barcelona, 2019, photograph E. Venuti – reproduced with permission from E. Venuti)

Welcome to touristland (Crete Island, 2019)