Idea by
Giovanni Avallone, Elisa Cartocci, Paolo Cassis, Elia Castino
Call for ideas 2016
+1m² : Make It Green
+1m² : Make It Green

In a context where decay, indifference, loss of identity and sense of belonging rule, a punctual intervention to improve the situation is not sufficient, but a deeper and more radical action is necessary. The aim of the project is to give back to people living in San Siro district, located in the Milan west suburbs, new life and a brighter atmosphere.
Using nature as a scalpel, we surgically operated on all of the urban field, declining green in different ways and giving to each of them a specific meaning.
Pulsing, flourishing, swishing, captivating and organic geometries constellate the district.
Green as activator of social dynamics, a pretext to attract people outside the domestic walls and act, turning the inhabitants, from spectators into actors. A common garden to be lived and where to feel free of walking barefoot. Make the Outside your Home.

The project is about creating a familiar context in the urban level. This wants to be a tool to contrast the habitants' fear of the district, aiming to reach a level of confidence till considering the outside as an extension of the undersized houses. Considering the variety of potential users living in San Siro we conceived the green in different ways giving a specific meaning to each of them.

The nature harmony is expressed here through the bins containing four different trees, several herbs and perfumed plants, chosen not to have the blossoning period in the same time. During the year, each visitator will enjoy a triumph of flowers, colours, scents. A very immersive vibe to make you feel in a tornado of senses.

This long green square is the backbone of the district, composed by rest spots, sportive tools, fountains and a poetry written on the central path, to leads you through all over the journey in this natural and informal common lounge.

Here, in the most problematic core of the district, the solution we planted out was about operating through the collocation of several geometrical bins on the existing ground. We imagined these containers full of fruit trees, and the inhabitants growing them, picking up the fruits and sharing the harvest.
To give the design an open source use, we thought about a service consisting in giving the inhabitants the possibility to adopt a vase with a 1m² surface of arable land.
+1m² : Make It Green
+1m² : Make It Green

In a context where decay, indifference, loss of identity and sense of belonging rule, a punctual intervention to improve the situation is not sufficient, but a deeper and more radical action is necessary. The aim of the project is to give back to people living in San Siro district, located in the Milan west suburbs, new life and a brighter atmosphere.
Using nature as a scalpel, we surgically operated on all of the urban field, declining green in different ways and giving to each of them a specific meaning.
Pulsing, flourishing, swishing, captivating and organic geometries constellate the district.
Green as activator of social dynamics, a pretext to attract people outside the domestic walls and act, turning the inhabitants, from spectators into actors. A common garden to be lived and where to feel free of walking barefoot. Make the Outside your Home.

The project is about creating a familiar context in the urban level. This wants to be a tool to contrast the habitants' fear of the district, aiming to reach a level of confidence till considering the outside as an extension of the undersized houses. Considering the variety of potential users living in San Siro we conceived the green in different ways giving a specific meaning to each of them.

The nature harmony is expressed here through the bins containing four different trees, several herbs and perfumed plants, chosen not to have the blossoning period in the same time. During the year, each visitator will enjoy a triumph of flowers, colours, scents. A very immersive vibe to make you feel in a tornado of senses.

This long green square is the backbone of the district, composed by rest spots, sportive tools, fountains and a poetry written on the central path, to leads you through all over the journey in this natural and informal common lounge.

Here, in the most problematic core of the district, the solution we planted out was about operating through the collocation of several geometrical bins on the existing ground. We imagined these containers full of fruit trees, and the inhabitants growing them, picking up the fruits and sharing the harvest.
To give the design an open source use, we thought about a service consisting in giving the inhabitants the possibility to adopt a vase with a 1m² surface of arable land.