Idea by
Nikole Bouchard
Call for ideas 2017
From Waste to Wonder
From Waste to Wonder

FROM WASTE TO WONDER is a series of Design Workshops and Symposia that explore fresh, innovative and effective approaches to Design and the ability of individuals to create major, positive change w/in the public realm. In favor of interdisciplinary collaboration, 6 Design Professionals will conduct 3 Workshops in the Spring of 2017 with Design Students, Faculty and Stakeholders.
Participants will develop Design Ideas at a variety of scales that explore issues of Urban Vacancy, Adaptive Re-Use and Productive Landscapes. Working with these realities requires designers to think critically and creatively to develop Design Ideas that are not self-referential, but instead engage a wide-range of audiences, including Architects, Artists, Industrial Designers, Landscape Architects, Ecologists, Environmentalists, Anthropologists and Garbologists. This responsible design approach is rooted in reality but reaches for the radical and is accessible to people of all ages, cultures and backgrounds.

FROM WASTE TO WONDER: Working with What Remains posits that Architecture is contingent on the (Waste) objects around us in order to produce spaces that are socially, culturally, economically and environmentally sensitive. These Research & Design Workshops will explore 3 Scales of Waste problems and potentials - SMALL: The Design of Installations, MEDIUM: The Design of Architectures and LARGE: The Design of Landscapes.

Participants will work critically and creatively to develop Design Ideas that are not self-referential, but instead engage a wide-range of audiences, including Architects, Artists, Industrial Designers, Landscape Architects, Ecologists, Environmentalists, Anthropologists and Garbologists. FROM WASTE TO WONDER will encourage responsible design that is rooted in reality but reaches for the radical and is accessible to people of all ages, cultures and backgrounds.

The Seminar Students (12 Students Total / 4 Groups of 3) will present their Site Research Pecha Kucha Style. The 2 Design Workshop Leaders will present their Design Philosophy & Approach TinyTED Talk Style. The remainder of the time will be left for an informal conversation amongst the Presenters and the Audience to discuss the research, work and ideas that are presented.

The day will be spent exploring the Milwaukee Site(s), digesting the presented information/observations that were shared in the Friday Presentations and strategizing for the Sunday and Monday Design Workshop. The Seminar Students will have Saturday to think about their design ideas for the Design Workshop on Sunday and Monday.

During this 7-Hour Design Workshop the Seminar Students (12 Students Total / 4 Groups of 3) will work vigorously on their site-specific Design Proposals. The Design Workshop approach will be determined by the 2 Design Workshop Leaders who will be actively engaged Design Critics throughout the duration of the Workshop. On Monday, the Seminar Students will continue to work on their Design Proposals. These Design Workshop Projects will be presented and reviewed at the April 2017 Public Symposium.
From Waste to Wonder
From Waste to Wonder

FROM WASTE TO WONDER is a series of Design Workshops and Symposia that explore fresh, innovative and effective approaches to Design and the ability of individuals to create major, positive change w/in the public realm. In favor of interdisciplinary collaboration, 6 Design Professionals will conduct 3 Workshops in the Spring of 2017 with Design Students, Faculty and Stakeholders.
Participants will develop Design Ideas at a variety of scales that explore issues of Urban Vacancy, Adaptive Re-Use and Productive Landscapes. Working with these realities requires designers to think critically and creatively to develop Design Ideas that are not self-referential, but instead engage a wide-range of audiences, including Architects, Artists, Industrial Designers, Landscape Architects, Ecologists, Environmentalists, Anthropologists and Garbologists. This responsible design approach is rooted in reality but reaches for the radical and is accessible to people of all ages, cultures and backgrounds.

FROM WASTE TO WONDER: Working with What Remains posits that Architecture is contingent on the (Waste) objects around us in order to produce spaces that are socially, culturally, economically and environmentally sensitive. These Research & Design Workshops will explore 3 Scales of Waste problems and potentials - SMALL: The Design of Installations, MEDIUM: The Design of Architectures and LARGE: The Design of Landscapes.

Participants will work critically and creatively to develop Design Ideas that are not self-referential, but instead engage a wide-range of audiences, including Architects, Artists, Industrial Designers, Landscape Architects, Ecologists, Environmentalists, Anthropologists and Garbologists. FROM WASTE TO WONDER will encourage responsible design that is rooted in reality but reaches for the radical and is accessible to people of all ages, cultures and backgrounds.

The Seminar Students (12 Students Total / 4 Groups of 3) will present their Site Research Pecha Kucha Style. The 2 Design Workshop Leaders will present their Design Philosophy & Approach TinyTED Talk Style. The remainder of the time will be left for an informal conversation amongst the Presenters and the Audience to discuss the research, work and ideas that are presented.

The day will be spent exploring the Milwaukee Site(s), digesting the presented information/observations that were shared in the Friday Presentations and strategizing for the Sunday and Monday Design Workshop. The Seminar Students will have Saturday to think about their design ideas for the Design Workshop on Sunday and Monday.

During this 7-Hour Design Workshop the Seminar Students (12 Students Total / 4 Groups of 3) will work vigorously on their site-specific Design Proposals. The Design Workshop approach will be determined by the 2 Design Workshop Leaders who will be actively engaged Design Critics throughout the duration of the Workshop. On Monday, the Seminar Students will continue to work on their Design Proposals. These Design Workshop Projects will be presented and reviewed at the April 2017 Public Symposium.