Idea by
David Jesus Garza
del estudio experimento
Call for ideas 2021
The Interpretation of Common Surface
The Interpretation of Common Surface

- Systemic changes
The element of water is constantly seen as an isolated element in many public areas in the cities. Water is often is used as a limited space rather than a way of active public spaces. Thinking about water is thinking about the future. It is hard to visualize the future without it. The water should be thought as a sharing space because of what represents a vital source with the ability of fit in always in the context. In this case, the usage of stones as a way to create different scenarios that could free the public spaces. These surfaces will create a pattern that will make our cities more flexible for new configurations by giving back these spaces to communities.

The Interpretation of Common Surface
The Interpretation of Common Surface

- Systemic changes
The element of water is constantly seen as an isolated element in many public areas in the cities. Water is often is used as a limited space rather than a way of active public spaces. Thinking about water is thinking about the future. It is hard to visualize the future without it. The water should be thought as a sharing space because of what represents a vital source with the ability of fit in always in the context. In this case, the usage of stones as a way to create different scenarios that could free the public spaces. These surfaces will create a pattern that will make our cities more flexible for new configurations by giving back these spaces to communities.