Idea by
Emmanouil Levedianos, Eleni Mastrogeorgopoulou
Call for ideas 2021

- Systemic changes
CLOUDS is not designed as a technical equipment that is applied to public space, but as an experimental object that emerges from bottom-up procedures and permanently retains its prototype status.
It was co-designed along with initiatives and organizations that seek to mobilize new ideas and actions on citizen participation and give voice to marginalized communities. The key goal of the participatory methodology was the solutions to be developed simultaneously and freely, so as to simulate development processes emerging from the open source community. In this way, multiple prototype versions of the same object, as well as additional tools were created, that all fitted under a modular structural canvas.
Our next endeavor is to combine those co-production processes with a co-management model. We intend to propose a mechanism for declaring such an equipment as a Common and further specify the rules for people to use it by planning adequate sessions between all the actors involved.

CLOUDS is an open design modular system that forms pop-up infrastructures in order to facilitate social and cultural actions like community gatherings, exhibitions, workshops, performances, urban libraries or any other kind of events in public space.
The initiative supports local communities, independent initiatives, cultural organizations, third places or civic agencies by enabling them to expand their infrastructural toolbox and subsequently their sphere of influence.

Clouds infrastructure can be constructed with conventional hand tools, affordable materials and accessories. In this specific version presented, the structure is made of natural wood and simple metal joints. CLOUDS consists of modules designed upon a grid pattern. It is based primarily on the structural module of the cube and secondarily on the frame module. They can be assembled and re-arranged in simple ways by individually attaching its pieces together.

The combination of modules can lead to fully functional forms that can be used as kiosks, info-points, stages, tables, libraries, seating solutions, boards or play-scapes. Options range from selecting pre-conceived solutions to building custom structures tailored to specialized activities and needs of the users, while better emerging in the surrounding hosting environment.

Additional tools or surfaces with varying sizes and materials can be attached on the modules, thus altering the system's functional and aesthetic properties. Αs an open design system, CLOUDS is fully customizable. Users and creators are given the possibility to choose locally sourced materials of their choice and even develop their own tools in order to accommodate custom solutions and expand CLOUDS functionality.

CLOUDS connects all motivated groups and individuals into a co-operative social network that intensifies partnerships, sharing and disseminating good practices. CLOUDS initiative provides now a fully movable, transformable and scalable infrastructure to local communities. In this way, it constantly mobilizes people to get acquainted with the design and construction of small-scale architectural structures and to appropriate public space in a creative way.

- Systemic changes
CLOUDS is not designed as a technical equipment that is applied to public space, but as an experimental object that emerges from bottom-up procedures and permanently retains its prototype status.
It was co-designed along with initiatives and organizations that seek to mobilize new ideas and actions on citizen participation and give voice to marginalized communities. The key goal of the participatory methodology was the solutions to be developed simultaneously and freely, so as to simulate development processes emerging from the open source community. In this way, multiple prototype versions of the same object, as well as additional tools were created, that all fitted under a modular structural canvas.
Our next endeavor is to combine those co-production processes with a co-management model. We intend to propose a mechanism for declaring such an equipment as a Common and further specify the rules for people to use it by planning adequate sessions between all the actors involved.

CLOUDS is an open design modular system that forms pop-up infrastructures in order to facilitate social and cultural actions like community gatherings, exhibitions, workshops, performances, urban libraries or any other kind of events in public space.
The initiative supports local communities, independent initiatives, cultural organizations, third places or civic agencies by enabling them to expand their infrastructural toolbox and subsequently their sphere of influence.

Clouds infrastructure can be constructed with conventional hand tools, affordable materials and accessories. In this specific version presented, the structure is made of natural wood and simple metal joints. CLOUDS consists of modules designed upon a grid pattern. It is based primarily on the structural module of the cube and secondarily on the frame module. They can be assembled and re-arranged in simple ways by individually attaching its pieces together.

The combination of modules can lead to fully functional forms that can be used as kiosks, info-points, stages, tables, libraries, seating solutions, boards or play-scapes. Options range from selecting pre-conceived solutions to building custom structures tailored to specialized activities and needs of the users, while better emerging in the surrounding hosting environment.

Additional tools or surfaces with varying sizes and materials can be attached on the modules, thus altering the system's functional and aesthetic properties. Αs an open design system, CLOUDS is fully customizable. Users and creators are given the possibility to choose locally sourced materials of their choice and even develop their own tools in order to accommodate custom solutions and expand CLOUDS functionality.

CLOUDS connects all motivated groups and individuals into a co-operative social network that intensifies partnerships, sharing and disseminating good practices. CLOUDS initiative provides now a fully movable, transformable and scalable infrastructure to local communities. In this way, it constantly mobilizes people to get acquainted with the design and construction of small-scale architectural structures and to appropriate public space in a creative way.