Idea by
Nita Llonçari, Xhezide Vlashi
Call for ideas 2019
RE-living RE-vering
RE-living RE-vering

- Systemic changes
Most developing countries have over-thrown their "monocratic" regime, and experienced a burst in development. But, before that basic matters such as freedom of speech and living standards were low. On the other hand, the fast and uncontrolled progress after the redemption caused those standards to increase utterly ignorant towards social life. The ones experiencing this change are usually smaller undeveloped cities. The linkages forged between small urban centers and their hinterlands have sometimes been used to exploit rather than to develop human and physical resources. This project which's case study is Hani Elezit is focused on the city's river which at status quo is a barrier that divides two parts of the city. By analyzing public's and urban needs, small changes such as the re-use of abandoned buildings and creation of public spaces are predicted to have a huge impact on the visible and social connection of these parts that as an end result provide a safe and healthy environment.

Neglected areas located around the river which were refurbished in the given project.

Illustrative Storm.

Masterplan of the general interventions and new community spaces.

RE-living RE-vering
RE-living RE-vering

- Systemic changes
Most developing countries have over-thrown their "monocratic" regime, and experienced a burst in development. But, before that basic matters such as freedom of speech and living standards were low. On the other hand, the fast and uncontrolled progress after the redemption caused those standards to increase utterly ignorant towards social life. The ones experiencing this change are usually smaller undeveloped cities. The linkages forged between small urban centers and their hinterlands have sometimes been used to exploit rather than to develop human and physical resources. This project which's case study is Hani Elezit is focused on the city's river which at status quo is a barrier that divides two parts of the city. By analyzing public's and urban needs, small changes such as the re-use of abandoned buildings and creation of public spaces are predicted to have a huge impact on the visible and social connection of these parts that as an end result provide a safe and healthy environment.

Neglected areas located around the river which were refurbished in the given project.

Illustrative Storm.

Masterplan of the general interventions and new community spaces.