Idea by
Mimi Coviello - Lucrezia Didio -Andrea Paoletti - Patricia González - Miriam Romano
Agrinetural Cultural Association
Call for ideas 2018

It’s time for cities to feed themselves. Agrinetural changes the way administrations and citizens think and behave towards public space, as well as towards each other. Future cities need a strong partnership between all actors implied, to tackle problems and find solutions.
Citizens would become more independent, organized and involved with their immediate surroundings. On the other hand, local administration can delegate maintenance and management duties.
This way the city could increase its productive area, decrease resource consumption and allow place for biodiversity among other benefits.
As a collective open source database, Agrinetural is always up to date, monitoring the evolution of green areas. It is also a quick way to be in touch with local administration, search and adopt a lot in the city and later, manage it to turn it into a productive area in the city.
City voids need to be cherished and used to achieve a more sustainable, collaborative and productive future city.


It’s time for cities to feed themselves. Agrinetural changes the way administrations and citizens think and behave towards public space, as well as towards each other. Future cities need a strong partnership between all actors implied, to tackle problems and find solutions.
Citizens would become more independent, organized and involved with their immediate surroundings. On the other hand, local administration can delegate maintenance and management duties.
This way the city could increase its productive area, decrease resource consumption and allow place for biodiversity among other benefits.
As a collective open source database, Agrinetural is always up to date, monitoring the evolution of green areas. It is also a quick way to be in touch with local administration, search and adopt a lot in the city and later, manage it to turn it into a productive area in the city.
City voids need to be cherished and used to achieve a more sustainable, collaborative and productive future city.