Idea by
Sanja Cvetković, Djordje Jović
Call for ideas 2016
Novi Fokus Niš
Novi Fokus Niš

We want to create an international film festival that will aim to initiate the marginalized and/or forgotten dialogue on architecture. The festival will include screenings and panel discussions with local and international speakers on pressing matters.
Dialogue on architecture shouldn’t be practiced by the few - Ivy league students, state capitals, investors, but by all - because we all live in the built environment.
We will start this festival in the city of Niš and not in the capital. This would move the dialogue to developing urban areas with creative spirit and socially-aware individuals.
This would shift architectural and cultural scene to the new focal point, yearning for innovation and change. The festival could become a non formal environment for learning how to think, discuss and do architecture; a neutral point for the exchange of ideas on architecture.
Overall, this could be an inspiration for all of us to rethink our roles in the society and future to come.

Novi Fokus Niš
Novi Fokus Niš

We want to create an international film festival that will aim to initiate the marginalized and/or forgotten dialogue on architecture. The festival will include screenings and panel discussions with local and international speakers on pressing matters.
Dialogue on architecture shouldn’t be practiced by the few - Ivy league students, state capitals, investors, but by all - because we all live in the built environment.
We will start this festival in the city of Niš and not in the capital. This would move the dialogue to developing urban areas with creative spirit and socially-aware individuals.
This would shift architectural and cultural scene to the new focal point, yearning for innovation and change. The festival could become a non formal environment for learning how to think, discuss and do architecture; a neutral point for the exchange of ideas on architecture.
Overall, this could be an inspiration for all of us to rethink our roles in the society and future to come.