Idea by
Alejandro Quinto, Maria Mas
Call for ideas 2018

It is said that entomophaghy will become one of the main gastronomic tendences due to the high optimization of spacial and environmental resources in their management.
The idea is located in the city of New York, a showcase to the world.
The project want to take part on that tendency to contribute values to the neighbourhood and make them be part of the new economic and cultural life. Food is now a part of architecture.
Through the activation of the new tendency it would be established a sort of collaborative relations between all the agents who participate.
Restaurants, infraestructures and housing must be adapted to the new times with the entomomany as an engine of change.
The convivence with the new species will obligate the population to the design and use of shared spaces and to established new ecosistemic relations between different beings (animals, vegetals, insects..)

It is said that entomophaghy will become one of the main gastronomic tendences due to the high optimization of spacial and environmental resources in their management.
The idea is located in the city of New York, a showcase to the world.
The project want to take part on that tendency to contribute values to the neighbourhood and make them be part of the new economic and cultural life. Food is now a part of architecture.
Through the activation of the new tendency it would be established a sort of collaborative relations between all the agents who participate.
Restaurants, infraestructures and housing must be adapted to the new times with the entomomany as an engine of change.
The convivence with the new species will obligate the population to the design and use of shared spaces and to established new ecosistemic relations between different beings (animals, vegetals, insects..)