Idea by
Julian Jauk
Call for ideas 2018
A living piece of architecture
A living piece of architecture

A living piece of architecture is a conceptual utopian design for housing beyond smart homes, intended to overcome existing dualisms such as digital and material, artificial and natural. The kinetic, photosensitive and adaptive model shows a type of architecture that constantly changes its morphology to adapt not only to the environment but also to human emotions. The shape, size and speed of adaptation are controlled by an evolutionary optimization algorithm, which is a bionic technology inspired by nature. This algorithm follows biological criteria for life that have been transferred to architecture. Participants are invited to stimulate the architecture by setting it to their mood and by changing the energy and light sources, as the building is intended to evolve from the climate given in this way - like plants or animals do. For more information/photos/videos please visit: hps://

@ IAM TU Graz 2017 © Julian Jauk

@ IAM TU Graz 2017 © Julian Jauk

@ IAM TU Graz 2017 © Julian Jauk

@ ars electronica festival 2017 © Monika Robak

@ ars electronica festival 2017 © Julian Jauk
A living piece of architecture
A living piece of architecture

A living piece of architecture is a conceptual utopian design for housing beyond smart homes, intended to overcome existing dualisms such as digital and material, artificial and natural. The kinetic, photosensitive and adaptive model shows a type of architecture that constantly changes its morphology to adapt not only to the environment but also to human emotions. The shape, size and speed of adaptation are controlled by an evolutionary optimization algorithm, which is a bionic technology inspired by nature. This algorithm follows biological criteria for life that have been transferred to architecture. Participants are invited to stimulate the architecture by setting it to their mood and by changing the energy and light sources, as the building is intended to evolve from the climate given in this way - like plants or animals do. For more information/photos/videos please visit: hps://

@ IAM TU Graz 2017 © Julian Jauk

@ IAM TU Graz 2017 © Julian Jauk

@ IAM TU Graz 2017 © Julian Jauk

@ ars electronica festival 2017 © Monika Robak

@ ars electronica festival 2017 © Julian Jauk