
Idea by

Roberto La Gioia

Urban planner whose personal research and professional experience allowed to specialize in the field of spatial planning and territorial policies through plans, projects, programs at different levels and complex management. It pays more attention to "the unplanned city", ie the planning of spaces that are not strictly related to urban areas, in particular, to disused areas and urban voids.

Call for ideas 2019

“A temporary circuit of opportunities"

“Temporary use as an instrument for regenerating disused areas_Taranto”

“A temporary circuit of opportunities"

“Temporary use as an instrument for regenerating disused areas_Taranto”
Redevelop disused areas through the temporary re-use of voids, giving back to the city places and no spaces.
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Type of project
  • Systemic changes

The presence of inactive areas within the cities in which we live can play a fundamental role in urban growth. The brownfields could represent the framework on which to graft plans and projects able to activate the urban development of a city. Through temporary reuse, the areas could identify and accommodate the continuous changes in the needs of citizens highlighted over time. this would also increase the number of services and public spaces that would be added to existing ones. To do this, we hypothesize a "temporary circuit of opportunities" through which we can create a network between abandoned areas, infrastructural axes and urban attractors.
To do this it is necessary to create a tool that envisages the creation of an intermediary that manages the relationships between users and area owners.

Taranto: Areas in disuse

step1: Connection between disused areas and infrastructural axes

step 2: Connection between disused areas and urban attractors

step 3: network

step 4: The creation of a public intermediary that operates between the owners (public and private) and users (public and private) of the areas. The public administration stipulates agreements and contracts for the temporary sale of the area. Once the area is acquired, through an organ created ad hoc, it creates calls for temporary sale of the area open to citizens. Finally, it structures a database and monitors disused areas, thus detecting the needs of the population.

“A temporary circuit of opportunities"

“Temporary use as an instrument for regenerating disused areas_Taranto”

“A temporary circuit of opportunities"

“Temporary use as an instrument for regenerating disused areas_Taranto”
Redevelop disused areas through the temporary re-use of voids, giving back to the city places and no spaces.
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Type of project
  • Systemic changes

The presence of inactive areas within the cities in which we live can play a fundamental role in urban growth. The brownfields could represent the framework on which to graft plans and projects able to activate the urban development of a city. Through temporary reuse, the areas could identify and accommodate the continuous changes in the needs of citizens highlighted over time. this would also increase the number of services and public spaces that would be added to existing ones. To do this, we hypothesize a "temporary circuit of opportunities" through which we can create a network between abandoned areas, infrastructural axes and urban attractors.
To do this it is necessary to create a tool that envisages the creation of an intermediary that manages the relationships between users and area owners.

Taranto: Areas in disuse

step1: Connection between disused areas and infrastructural axes

step 2: Connection between disused areas and urban attractors

step 3: network

step 4: The creation of a public intermediary that operates between the owners (public and private) and users (public and private) of the areas. The public administration stipulates agreements and contracts for the temporary sale of the area. Once the area is acquired, through an organ created ad hoc, it creates calls for temporary sale of the area open to citizens. Finally, it structures a database and monitors disused areas, thus detecting the needs of the population.

Idea by

Roberto La Gioia
Urban planner whose personal research and professional experience allowed to specialize in the field of spatial planning and territorial policies through plans, projects, programs at different levels and complex management. It pays more attention to "the unplanned city", ie the planning of spaces that are not strictly related to urban areas, in particular, to disused areas and urban voids.