Idea by
Riccarda Cappeller
Call for ideas 2021
Inventive explorations of cooperative architecture
Inventive explorations of cooperative architecture

- New alliances
"Cooperative Architecture" combines thoughts on the changing role of architects/urban designers, the composition of urban spaces and networks concidered as references for imagining future habitats, and the perspectives on/ narratives of them, experimentally transmitting social and spatial qualities
As part of a larger research framework, here working with visual + narrative expressions, creating cinematic mappings, visual collections or site-specific written approaches on topics of cooperative architecture in selected case studies is in focus. These design modes dealing with complexity are examined while reinterpreting and communicating the performative character of existing urban situations, making them speak. The so emerging inventive explorations – material-based examinations using the field site + space "as found" as departure for imaginaries – are urban bricolages that foster a care-taking action + critically reflect on how space is designed and disussed further.

Urban bricoleurs in action

Urban Spaces, on which the field research an material collection has been undertaken.

First Conceptual approach and material selection on one example (Liverpool).
Inventive explorations of cooperative architecture
Inventive explorations of cooperative architecture

- New alliances
"Cooperative Architecture" combines thoughts on the changing role of architects/urban designers, the composition of urban spaces and networks concidered as references for imagining future habitats, and the perspectives on/ narratives of them, experimentally transmitting social and spatial qualities
As part of a larger research framework, here working with visual + narrative expressions, creating cinematic mappings, visual collections or site-specific written approaches on topics of cooperative architecture in selected case studies is in focus. These design modes dealing with complexity are examined while reinterpreting and communicating the performative character of existing urban situations, making them speak. The so emerging inventive explorations – material-based examinations using the field site + space "as found" as departure for imaginaries – are urban bricolages that foster a care-taking action + critically reflect on how space is designed and disussed further.

Urban bricoleurs in action

Urban Spaces, on which the field research an material collection has been undertaken.

First Conceptual approach and material selection on one example (Liverpool).