Idea by
Andrea Pezzoli e Giulia Urciuoli
Call for ideas 2018
new Monuments
new Monuments

Monuments,from Latin monere,to remember,the signs of the collective will,are fixed points that mark the architectural events of the city and that,according to Aldo Rossi,must be the driving forces of urban dynamics.
Cities are characterized by building,transformed over time but imprinted in the image of the city,form survives function,a process that tends more to evolution than to conservation.
Elia Zenghelis said the "informality" of contemporary cities,bottomupurbanism,selforganization,is a Trojan horse for policies of exploitation,that strengthens the power of the market,in which everyone is free to participate as a consumer,but few are invited to trace the rules.
B.Ehrenreich,leads us to rediscover that the cities were born to give the opportunity to celebrate,while after commodification,public space is no longer real meeting places.
We propose new devices,monuments of the future that modify the space and that trigger virtuous,interactive behaviors in the use of public space.

"Spazio FASE", a project we are developing, is a good example of form that survive function, an old paper factory in which we are testing, along with the new owner, new ways of temporary reuse, such as Factory Market.

Bar FASE is a temporary bar designed for the many events hosted in the old paper factory.

By inserting new objects the space function has been updated.

Is possible that an abandoned factory turn back being productive ?

Monuments can be updatable objects, in which society can recognize itself.
new Monuments
new Monuments

Monuments,from Latin monere,to remember,the signs of the collective will,are fixed points that mark the architectural events of the city and that,according to Aldo Rossi,must be the driving forces of urban dynamics.
Cities are characterized by building,transformed over time but imprinted in the image of the city,form survives function,a process that tends more to evolution than to conservation.
Elia Zenghelis said the "informality" of contemporary cities,bottomupurbanism,selforganization,is a Trojan horse for policies of exploitation,that strengthens the power of the market,in which everyone is free to participate as a consumer,but few are invited to trace the rules.
B.Ehrenreich,leads us to rediscover that the cities were born to give the opportunity to celebrate,while after commodification,public space is no longer real meeting places.
We propose new devices,monuments of the future that modify the space and that trigger virtuous,interactive behaviors in the use of public space.

"Spazio FASE", a project we are developing, is a good example of form that survive function, an old paper factory in which we are testing, along with the new owner, new ways of temporary reuse, such as Factory Market.

Bar FASE is a temporary bar designed for the many events hosted in the old paper factory.

By inserting new objects the space function has been updated.

Is possible that an abandoned factory turn back being productive ?

Monuments can be updatable objects, in which society can recognize itself.