Idea by
Alessia Valenti
Call for ideas 2021

- Site-specific cases
An awareness of the other including non-human living cohabitants is the founding attitude of a trans-scale research on the semi-desert Copiapó river basin, Chile, where overexploitation by agribusiness and mining caused water scarcity. Recognizing the anthropogenic transformation of territories in the current extractive and consumptive model as the principal cause of life loss, a strong necessity emerges for regeneration where more aggressively industrial activity dried aquifers and contaminated soil. In the agro-mining town of Tierra Amarilla possible coexistence scenarios between species depending on phyto-purified water from mines’ tailing dams and shadow generated humidity are explored.

Tihum agro-park in Tierra Amarilla: anaerobic phytodepuration and far surplus water storage artificial wetland.

Tihum agro-park in Tierra Amarilla: transport of phyto-purified water for irrigation.

Tihum agro-park in Tierra Amarilla: shady cultivated spaces.

Tihum agro-park in Tierra Amarilla: aquifer recharge pool.

Tihum agro-park in Tierra Amarilla: spaces for aerobic phyto-purification.

- Site-specific cases
An awareness of the other including non-human living cohabitants is the founding attitude of a trans-scale research on the semi-desert Copiapó river basin, Chile, where overexploitation by agribusiness and mining caused water scarcity. Recognizing the anthropogenic transformation of territories in the current extractive and consumptive model as the principal cause of life loss, a strong necessity emerges for regeneration where more aggressively industrial activity dried aquifers and contaminated soil. In the agro-mining town of Tierra Amarilla possible coexistence scenarios between species depending on phyto-purified water from mines’ tailing dams and shadow generated humidity are explored.

Tihum agro-park in Tierra Amarilla: anaerobic phytodepuration and far surplus water storage artificial wetland.

Tihum agro-park in Tierra Amarilla: transport of phyto-purified water for irrigation.

Tihum agro-park in Tierra Amarilla: shady cultivated spaces.

Tihum agro-park in Tierra Amarilla: aquifer recharge pool.

Tihum agro-park in Tierra Amarilla: spaces for aerobic phyto-purification.